What Do You Feel Is Your Greatest Strength? Greatest Weakness?

What Do You Feel Is Your Greatest Strength? Greatest Weakness?

I affectation the two calm because if you are asked one, it is acceptable the added will follow. My advice: Be honest. The employer will acquisition out both if you're assassin anyway.

If you accept agitation with these questions, accredit aback to Chapter 5, "Self-Assessment."

When it comes to your weakness, however, anatomy it in a way that demonstrates an compassionate of how you accord with it. For example, if you accept agitation befitting clue of assorted tasks, explain how you advance and accumulate an authentic and abreast day planner.


Several abundant planners are on the market. I acerb acclaim that you get one and apprentice how to use it. Time administration is of accurate accent to me. I use Microsoft Outlook to clue everything. If I don't do that, I balloon things. I accumulate a block and bargain Palm handheld with me aback I'm abroad from my computer. As anon as I'm aback in the office, I alteration the addendum from the pad anon into Outlook.

Don't use a pseudo-weakness to accomplish yourself attending good. For example, I accept heard interviewees, aback asked about their greatest weakness, say, "I assignment too hard. Often, I booty too abundant assignment home or break too late."

The account sounds banal and arrogant. It won't go over well. The accuser wants to see if you accept a able faculty of your abilities. It is the being who understands his limitations and has affairs on how to antidote or assignment aural them that brings value.