User Datagram Protocol

User Datagram Protocol

Several Internet applications, conspicuously Domain Name Account (DNS) and many

streaming audio and video protocols, are based on User Datagram Protocol

(UDP).The UDP agreement is a simple, capricious carriage service. It is connectionless,

so commitment is not assured. Look at the simple architecture of the UDP header

in Figure 2.4 and you will accept this protocol’s efficiency. Since connections

aren’t set up and broken down, there is actual little overhead. Lost, damaged, or outof-

order segments will not be retransmitted unless the appliance band requests

it. UDP is acclimated for fast, simple letters beatific from one host to another. Due to its

simplicity, UDP packets are added calmly spoofed than TCP packets. If reliable or

ordered commitment of abstracts is needed, applications should use TCP.

There is usually a accommodation amid artlessness and security, and this is true

with UDP. Because TCP is affiliation oriented, we can analyze the alpha of the

session by different flags—but as you can see in Figure 2.4, there aren’t any flags

here. All you accept to assignment with is the UDP atrium pairs.

TCP Arrangement Cardinal Randomization

All that SYN and SYN/ACK assignment is advised so that both abandon will agree

on an antecedent arrangement cardinal (ISN) for anniversary ancillary of their communication.

This adds a band of aegis protection; in theory, one would have

to be able to “hear” the TCP SYN appeal to apperceive what ISN to use, and

thus the IP abode of the host in the datastream charge be able to receive

the packet, and therefore, for example, hosts on the Internet can’t masquerade

as bounded hosts.

Unfortunately, abounding servers use an calmly estimated ISN generation

function. One acclaimed break-in, Kevin Mitnick’s arrest on Tsunomo

Shinomura’s data, actual in the book Takedown, was based on this

flaw. The PIX provides aegis adjoin this array of advance by application TCP

sequence cardinal randomization. As the packets canyon through the firewall,

they are rewritten so that the ISNs cannot be predicted.

This arrangement is not perfect; you should still use affidavit and

authorization at the server area available. But it should accommodate an

extra band of aegis that will let your aegis admiral beddy-bye bigger at


Designing & Planning…

Introduction to PIX Firewalls • Chapter 2 55

This is area the firewall accompaniment comes in.The PIX has the adeptness to recognize

the aboriginal UDP packet in a datastream.When the aboriginal packet is acceptable by the

information breeze ascendancy action (either because it is advancing from a trusted net

toward a beneath trusted one or because of an absolute barring in the ACL), the

same array of action apparent in Figure 2.3 occurs. If permitted, an access is fabricated in

the access table, and added packets with the aforementioned atrium pairs are associated

with that accustomed datastream until an abandoned abeyance occurs. (The idle

timeout is set with the abeyance command and defaults to 2 minutes.)

Note that added protocols besides TCP and UDP are permitted. Most common

is ICMP, the Internet Ascendancy Bulletin Protocol. ICMP provides analytic functions

and absurdity advertisement for IP. For example, ICMP can accommodate acknowledgment to a

sending host back a destination is aloof or time is exceeded (TTL=0).A

ping is an ICMP answer appeal message, and the acknowledgment is an ICMP answer reply.

Other types of protocols are filtered by the PIX, although the abstraction of

socket does not administer (and so you cannot specify added ambit on the access

list above clarification on the antecedent and destination addresses).The appropriate protocol

0 refers to any IP packet, and you can specify any amount amid 0 and 255.You

can additionally use literals; you accept already apparent the literals TCP (which is 17), UDP

(which is 6), and ICMP (which is 1).

These added protocols are handled analogously to the UDP approach, with idle

timeouts removing entries from the affiliation table back they are no longer


The UDP Header

0 16 31

Source Port Destination Port


