ICMP cisco


Inbound ICMP cartage can be controlled application the icmp command, which only

filters ICMP cartage absolute on one of the PIX interfaces, not traversing the

PIX.The command has the afterward syntax:

Passing Cartage • Chapter 3 115

icmp {permit|deny} []

The ip_address constant is the antecedent abode of the ICMP packet that will

be denied or permitted.The netmask constant is the affectation associated with the

ip_address parameter.The icmp_type constant specifies the ICMP blazon to be

denied or permitted. A account of the ICMP blazon ethics was presented beforehand in Table

3.3.The if_name constant is the interface to which this ICMP clarify will be


The afterward command permits the DMZ interface to acknowledge to pings

from arrangement

PIX1(config)# icmp admittance answer dmz