Access Lists cisco sytems

Access Lists

Access lists on the PIX firewall are actual agnate to those acclimated on Cisco routers

and can be acclimated to absolute the cartage accustomed to alteration the PIX based on several

criteria, including antecedent address, destination address, antecedent TCP/UDP ports,

and destination TCP/UDP ports. Admission account agreement is a two-step process:

1. Actualize the ACL admittance and abjure statements application the access-list command.

2. Administer the admission account to an interface application the access-group command.

Passing Cartage • Chapter 3 101

There are two altered syntaxes for the access-list command.The aboriginal is used

for any agreement added than Internet Control Bulletin Agreement (ICMP), and the

second is acclimated for ICMP:

access-list {deny | permit}

[ ] [


access-list {deny | permit} icmp

The acl_name constant identifies the admission account and can be either a name or

a number.The admittance and abjure keywords are self-explanatory.The agreement parameter

specifies the IP protocol.You can either admission the after amount or specify

a accurate name. Possible accurate names are listed in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Accurate Agreement Names and Values

Literal Amount Description

ah 51 Authentication attack for IPv6, RFC 1826

eigrp 88 Enhanced Interior Gateway Acquisition Protocol

esp 50 Encapsulated Aegis Payload for IPv6, RFC 1827

gre 47 General Acquisition Encapsulation

icmp 1 Internet Control Bulletin Protocol, RFC 792

igmp 2 Internet Group Management Protocol, RFC 1112

igrp 9 Interior Gateway Acquisition Protocol

ip 0 Internet Protocol

ipinip 4 IP-in-IP encapsulation

nos 94 Arrangement Operating System (Novell’s NetWare)

ospf 89 Open Shortest Path Aboriginal acquisition protocol, RFC 1247

pcp 108 Payload Compression Protocol

snp 109 Sitara Networks Protocol

tcp 6 Transmission Control Protocol, RFC 793

udp 17 User Datagram Protocol, RFC 768

The abode of the arrangement or host from which the packet originated is specified

using the src_addr parameter.The src_mask constant specifies the netmask

bits to administer to src_addr.To specify all networks or hosts, use the any keyword,

102 Chapter 3 • Passing Traffic

which is agnate to a antecedent arrangement and affectation of Use the host

keyword followed by an IP abode to specify a distinct host.The dest_addr and

dest_mask are agnate to the src_addr and src_mask parameters, except that they

apply to destination addresses.


The syntax for admission lists on the PIX firewall is actual agnate to that of

Cisco routers. The key aberration is that admission lists on PIX firewalls use

standard wildcard masks, admitting on routers they use afflicted wildcard

masks. For example, back blocking a 24-bit subnet, you would use a

mask of on a PIX firewall and a affectation of on a

Cisco router.

An abettor allegory lets you specify a anchorage or anchorage ambit and is used

with the tcp or udp agreement keywords.To specify all ports, do not specify an

operator and port. Use eq to specify a distinct port. Use gt to specify all ports

greater than the defined port. Use neq to specify all ports except a given

number. Finally, use ambit to ascertain a specific ambit of ports.The anchorage can be

specified application either a cardinal or a accurate name.A account of accurate anchorage names is

presented in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Accurate Anchorage Names and Values

Name Anchorage Protocol

bgp 179 tcp

biff 512 udp

bootpc 68 udp

bootps 67 udp

chargen 19 tcp

citrix-ica 1494 tcp

cmd 514 tcp

daytime 13 tcp

discard 9 tcp/udp

dnsix 195 udp


Passing Cartage • Chapter 3 103

Name Anchorage Protocol

domain 53 tcp/udp

echo 7 tcp/udp

exec 512 tcp

finger 79 tcp

ftp 21 tcp

ftp-data 20 tcp

gopher 70 tcp

h323 1720 tcp

http 80 tcp

hostname 101 tcp

ident 113 tcp

irc 194 tcp

isakmp 500 udp

klogin 543 tcp

kshell 544 tcp

login 513 tcp

lpd 515 tcp

mobile-ip 434 udp

nameserver 42 udp

netbios-dgm 138 udp

netbios-ns 137 udp

nntp 119 tcp

ntp 123 udp

pim-auto-rp 496 tcp/udp

pop2 109 tcp

pop3 110 tcp

radius 1645, 1646 udp

rip 520 udp

smtp 25 tcp

snmp 161 udp

snmptrap 162 udp

sqlnet 1521 tcp

Table 3.2 Continued


104 Chapter 3 • Passing Traffic

Name Anchorage Protocol

sunrpc 111 tcp/udp

syslog 514 udp

tacacs 49 tcp/udp

talk 517 tcp/udp

telnet 23 tcp

tftp 69 udp

time 37 udp

uucp 540 tcp

who 513 udp

whois 43 tcp

www 80 tcp

xdmcp 177 tcp

Note that the system-defined anchorage mapping of http is the aforementioned as www and is

silently translated in the configuration.The icmp_type constant allows you to

permit or abjure admission to ICMP bulletin types. A account of ICMP bulletin types can

be begin in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 ICMP Bulletin Types

ICMP Type Literal

0 echo-reply

3 unreachable

4 source-quench

5 redirect

6 alternate-address

8 echo

9 router-advertisement

10 router-solicitation

11 time-exceeded

12 parameter-problem

13 timestamp-reply

14 timestamp-request

Table 3.2 Continued


Passing Cartage • Chapter 3 105

ICMP Type Literal

15 information-request

16 information-reply

17 mask-request

18 mask-reply

31 conversion-error

32 mobile-redirect

After configuring the admission list, you charge administer it to an interface application the

following command:

access-group in interface

The name associated with an admission account is defined as acl_name, admitting the

name of the interface that the admission account will use to adviser entering cartage is

specified by if_name. An activated admission account denies or permits cartage as it enters the

PIX on the defined interface.


Access lists on the PIX firewall can alone be activated to cartage entering

an interface, not cartage that is departure an interface. This is clashing Cisco

routers, on which admission lists can be activated in either direction.

Access lists on the PIX firewall accept an absolute abjure all at the end.This

means that unless cartage has been accurately acceptable aural the admission list, it

will be denied by the adumbrated deny-all that follows the aftermost admission in every access

list.This provides added aegis by bold that cartage not absolutely recognized

is to be denied. If there are errors in the configuration, the amiss traffic

may be acceptable or denied. Since admission lists are candy sequentially from top

to bottom, a PIX ambassador can actualize actual circuitous admission lists artlessly by following

the breeze of what should and should not be allowed. Alone one admission list

at a time can be activated to an interface.

Let’s now attending at Secure Corp., which has aloof purchased a new PIX firewall

for its arrangement in New York, as credible in Figure 3.3. All the servers that the

company hosts at the site, as able-bodied as all the audience aural the network, are located

Table 3.3 Continued

106 Chapter 3 • Passing Traffic

on the central interface of the PIX.The armpit uses a distinct arrangement with the address

space of ISP has assigned the attainable arrangement to


The company’s requirements are that the audience alone be able to admission the

Internet with their Web browsers. Company servers may accept complete access

to the Internet.The architecture of an admission account should alpha with a analogue of what

is activity to be accustomed and again advance to what is activity to be denied. In this

example, the admission account will accept to acquiesce audience in the ambit to

access any Internet server on TCP anchorage 80.Then, the admission account will acquiesce the

three listed servers able admission to the Internet.The afterward commands

accomplish this result:

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in admittance tcp any

eq 80

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in admittance ip any

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in admittance ip any

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in admittance ip any

PIX1(config)# access-group inside_in in interface inside

A acceptable convenance is to add an absolute abjure all account to the end of an access

list so you bethink it is there back you do a appearance access-list command.You can

see how abounding packets accept been alone application the hitcnt counter:

Figure 3.3 The Secure Corporation Admission Account Example

Email Server

Web Server

DNS Server

Clients - .254

Inside -

Outside -


Passing Cartage • Chapter 3 107

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in abjure ip any any

PIX1(config)# exit

PIX1# appearance access-list

access-list inside_in; 4 elements

access-list inside_in admittance tcp any eq www


access-list inside_in admittance ip host any (hitcnt=0)

access-list inside_in admittance ip host any (hitcnt=0)

access-list inside_in admittance ip host any (hitcnt=0)

access-list inside_in abjure ip any any (hitcnt=40)

Best aegis practices behest that about attainable servers should not be

located on the central network; instead, they should be amid on a DMZ network.

The DMZ provides an added band of aegis and controls the risks associated

with a about attainable server. If the server becomes compromised, it is

possible to accommodate the accommodation to the DMZ and still assure central clients.

However, if the arrangement is set up as in the antecedent archetype and the server

becomes compromised, there is actual little that can be done to stop that server

from compromising the absolute centralized arrangement (you can shut the server bottomward or

disconnect it). Keep this architecture convenance in mind. Figure 3.4 shows a revised network


Figure 3.4 Secure Corporation Revised Arrangement Layout

Email Server

Web Server

DNS Server



Outside -



108 Chapter 3 • Passing Traffic

It is credible that the arrangement requirements accept changed, because services

the audience acclimated to admission after activity through the firewall now charge to be

added to the admission lists. Clashing the admission account created previously, the servers

should not be accustomed to admission any IP abode after restriction. A DMZ access

list should be created that banned the casework that the servers are able to use. If

these servers become compromised, you appetite to absolute their infection of your networks.

The commands to actualize and administer these admission lists are:

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in admittance tcp

any eq www

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in admittance tcp eq smtp

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in admittance tcp eq pop3

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in admittance udp eq domain

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in admittance tcp eq domain

PIX1(config)# access-list inside_in abjure ip any any

PIX1(config)# access-group inside_in in interface inside

PIX1(config)# access-list dmz_in admittance tcp

any eq smtp

PIX1(config)# access-list dmz_in admittance udp

any eq domain

PIX1(config)# access-list dmz_in admittance tcp

any eq domain

PIX1(config)# access-list dmz_in abjure ip any any

PIX1(config)# access-group dmz_in in interface dmz

It is important to agenda that we accept not yet covered how to configure

inbound access.The above-mentioned admission account alone allows these servers to admit contact

with added servers—as a applicant would do. For example, the e-mail server can

send mail to addition domain, but it cannot accept it.The DNS server can

resolve area advice from addition domain, but it cannot acknowledge to

queries from added domains.The “Allowing Entering Traffic” area of this

chapter covers in detail how entering admission is enabled.

One actual advantageous affection in configuring the PIX is the name command.This

command allows you to ascertain a name alias to an IP abode so that during

Passing Cartage • Chapter 3 109

configuration, instead of referencing a host by its IP address, the host can be referenced

by a name.This affection is advantageous during circuitous configurations, because

a anecdotic name eases agreement and troubleshooting.The syntax for the

command is:


For example, the afterward command maps the name mail to the IP address

PIX1(config)# name mail

The name mail can now be acclimated in admission lists instead of an IP address.When

you annul a name entry, all references to it in an admission account backslide to the IP

addresses. Be abiding the name account is the aftermost affair you abolish during a
