Network Article Groups

Network Article Groups

A arrangement article accumulation is a accumulation of IP addresses or networks. Arrangement object

groups can be acclimated in abode of a src_addr or dst_addr constant in an admission account or

conduit statement.To actualize a arrangement article group, the syntax is as follows:

object-group arrangement

Network article groups accept two subcommands for defining the accumulation of

hosts and networks.The syntax for defining a host access in the article accumulation is:

network-object host

The host_addr constant is the IP abode of the host actuality added to the

object-group.The host_name constant specifies the hostname of a host defined

through the name command.

The syntax for defining a arrangement access in the article accumulation is:


The afterward article accumulation defines hosts and networks to be acclimated after in an

access account or conduit:

PIX1(config)# object-group arrangement net-grp

PIX1(config-network)# description Account of Public HTTP Servers

PIX1(config-network)# network-object host

PIX1(config-network)# network-object host

PIX1(config-network)# network-object

PIX1(config-network)# exit

PIX1(config)# exit