Predictable Arrangement Model

Predictable Arrangement Model

Ideally, a arrangement needs to be advised with a anticipated behavior in apperception to action low

maintenance and aerial availability. For example, a campus arrangement needs to balance from

failures and cartography changes bound and in a agreed manner. The arrangement should be

scalable to calmly abutment approaching expansions and upgrades. With a advanced array of multiprotocol

and multicast traffic, the arrangement should be able to abutment the 20/80 aphorism from a traffic

standpoint. In added words, the arrangement should be advised about cartage flows instead of a

particular blazon of traffic.

Traffic flows in a campus arrangement can be classified as three types, based on area the network

service is amid in affiliation to the end user. Table 2-3 lists these types forth with the admeasurement of

the campus arrangement that is crossed.

The agreement admission layer, administration layer, and amount band are anniversary audible apparatus of the

hierarchical arrangement architecture model. The arrangement is disconnected into analytic levels or layers,

according to function. These agreement and the hierarchical arrangement architecture are discussed in the next


Types of Arrangement Services

Service Blazon Location of Service Admeasurement of Cartage Flow

Local Same segment/VLAN as user Admission band only

Remote Different segment/VLAN as user Admission to administration layers

Enterprise Central to all campus users Admission to administration to amount layers