Confidentiality is the best accessible principle. Acquaintance is the adeptness to ensure
secrecy: No one can appearance the advice except the advised recipients.
Armies and generals accept relied on acquaintance for centuries. In fact, in 50 B.C., even
Julius Caesar acclimated a address alleged Caesar Code to ensure the acquaintance of his
messages. He artlessly confused all the belletrist by three positions. For example, he replaced all
As in the argument with Ds, replaced all Bs with Es, and so on.
Confidentiality is usually adorable for arrangement traffic: No one should be able to examine
the Ethernet anatomy capacity beatific by adjoining workstations.
Common techniques to ensure acquaintance accommodate the following:
− Adeptness to Ensure Secrecy
− Of Service
− Of Data
− Adeptness to Ensure Asset/Data
Is not Modified
Security Triad 7
• Protective container. Alone specific bodies who apperceive the aggregate or accept access
to the alembic can admission the adequate information, such as putting a abstruse memo
in a safe.
• Cryptographic protection. Everyone can accept admission to a abortive anatomy of the
information, but alone advised recipients can admission a advantageous anatomy of it, such as the
spies who can break encrypted messages.
Attacks adjoin acquaintance (also alleged disclosure) abide of breaking the secrecy.
Many bodies afield accept that advice beatific beyond a arrangement is adequate by
confidentiality when, in reality, it is not. Attackers (or arrangement troubleshooters) generally use
sniffers to attending at arrangement traffic, which acknowledge user accreditation (usernames and passwords)
for protocols such as Telnet or Post Office Protocol (POP) that accommodate no confidentiality.
Confidentiality is usually adorable in military, health, or government sectors.