EtherChannel Configuration

EtherChannel Configuration

Before configuring about-face ports into an EtherChannel bundle, you should accomplish abiding the switch

module supports it. Use the appearance anchorage capabilities [module/port] command to do this. (This

command is accessible on Catalyst software versions 4.x and later.) Archetype 5-1 demonstrates

using the appearance anchorage capabilities command to ensure the about-face bore supports EtherChannel


On this and added aboriginal Ethernet modules, alone assertive ports can be bundled. Notice that

Example 5-1 shows that alone ports 2/1 and 2/2 or 2/1 through 2/4 can be bundled. These

modules use a accouterments dent alleged the Ethernet Bundling Controller (EBC) to administer the

EtherChannel ports. Ports to be arranged charge accord to the aforementioned EBC, according to the specific

arrangement of ports on the module. For example, a 24-port bore offers three groups of eight

ports and a 12-port bore offers three groups of four ports. Generally, the EBC requires an

EtherChannel to alpha with the aboriginal anchorage of a group. The achievement of the appearance anchorage capabilities

command will appearance the adequate anchorage groupings, if they are available.

Newer modules, such as the Catalyst 6000, action added adaptability with EtherChannel

configuration. Ports amid anywhere on an EtherChannel-capable bore can be bundled

along with ports from added modules.

NOTE Remember the afterward guidelines that administer to the about-face ports that will be aggregate into an


• All ports should be assigned to the aforementioned VLAN or configured for trunking (an

EtherChannel can be acclimated as a block link).

• If the EtherChannel will be a block link, all ports should accept the aforementioned block approach and

should backpack the aforementioned VLANs over the trunk.

Example 5-1 appearance anchorage capabilities Command Output

Switch (enable) appearance anchorage capabilities 2

Model WS-X5234

Port 2/1

Type 10/100BaseTX

Speed auto,10,100

Duplex half,full

Trunk encap blazon ISL,802.1Q

Trunk approach on,off,desirable,auto,nonegotiate

Channel 2/1-2,2/1-4

Broadcast abolishment percentage(0-100)

Flow ascendancy receive-(off,on),send-(off,on)

Security yes

Membership static,dynamic

Fast alpha yes

Rewrite yes

Switch Anchorage Aggregation with EtherChannel 155

• All ports should be configured for the aforementioned acceleration and bifold mode.

• Do not configure the ports as activating VLAN ports.

• All ports should be enabled; a disabled anchorage will be apparent as a bootless link, banishment its traffic

to be confused to the abutting accessible articulation in the bundle.

EtherChannel Agreement on a CLI-Based Switch

To configure an EtherChannel on a CLI-based switch, use the afterward command:

Switch (enable) set anchorage approach module/port-range approach {on | off | adorable |


Ports are aggregate into an EtherChannel by allegorical them as a range, as in set anchorage channel

2/1-4 approach on.

EtherChannel Agreement on an IOS-Based Switch

To configure an EtherChannel on an IOS-based switch, use the afterward command:

Switch (config-if)# anchorage accumulation group-number [distribution {source | destination}]

The anchorage charge be assigned to a accumulation number, which represents the EtherChannel as a number

from 1 to 12.

Displaying EtherChannel Configuration

Information about the accepted EtherChannel agreement can be displayed application the show

port approach [mod/port] [info | statistics] command on a CLI-based about-face and the appearance port

group [group-number] command on an IOS-based switch. Archetype 5-2 demonstrates how the

show anchorage approach advice command can be acclimated to appearance the accepted cachet of EtherChannel links

on a CLI-based switch.

Example 5-2 appearance anchorage approach advice Command Output

Switch> (enable) appearance anchorage approach info

Switch Frame Administration Method: mac both

Port Cachet Approach Admin Approach Acceleration Bifold Vlan

mode accumulation id

----- ---------- -------------------- ----- ------- ----- ------ ----

3/29 affiliated adorable bashful 158 847 a-100 a-full 53

3/30 affiliated adorable bashful 158 847 a-100 a-full 53

----- ---------- -------------------- ----- ------- ----- ------ ----

3/31 affiliated auto bashful 159 848 a-100 a-full 101

3/32 affiliated auto bashful 159 848 a-100 a-full 101

----- ---------- -------------------- ----- ------- ----- ------ ----

156 Chapter 5: Redundant About-face Links

The aboriginal black band shows that the about-face is application both antecedent and destination MAC addresses

to administer frames beyond the arranged links. The abutting set of black curve appearance that about-face ports

3/29 and 3/30 are arranged as EtherChannel ID cardinal 847, are operating at 100 Mbps fullduplex

(autonegotiated), and are assigned to VLAN 53 only. The additional EtherChannel is made

up of about-face ports 3/31 and 3/32 arranged as EtherChannel ID 848, casual VLAN 101.