Hierarchical Arrangement Design

Hierarchical Arrangement Design

The campus arrangement can be structured so that anniversary of the three types of cartage flows or services

outlined in Table 2-3 can be best supported. Cisco has devised a hierarchical admission to

network architecture that enables arrangement designers to logically actualize a arrangement by defining and

using layers of devices. The consistent arrangement is efficient, intelligent, scalable, and easily


Table 2-3 Types of Arrangement Services

Service Type Location of Service Extent of Cartage Flow

Local Same segment/VLAN as user Admission band only

Remote Different segment/VLAN as user Admission to administration layers

Enterprise Central to all campus users Admission to administration to amount layers

Hierarchical Arrangement Architecture 31

The hierarchical archetypal break a campus arrangement bottomward into three audible layers, as illustrated

in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 Hierarchical Arrangement Design

These layers are the admission layer, administration layer, and the amount layer. Anniversary band has attributes

that accommodate both concrete and analytic arrangement functions at the adapted point in the campus

network. Understanding anniversary band and its functions or limitations is important so that the layer

can be appropriately activated in the architecture process.

Access Layer

The admission band is present area the end users are affiliated into the network. Accessories in this

layer should accept the afterward capabilities:

• Low cost

• Aerial anchorage density

• Scalable uplinks to college layers

• User admission functions—VLAN associates and cartage clarification based on MAC addresses

• Resiliency through assorted uplinks

Distribution Layer

The administration band provides alternation amid the admission and amount layers of the

campus network. Accessories in this band should accept the afterward capabilities:

• Aerial Band 3 throughput for packet handling

• InterVLAN acquisition through Band 3 operations







32 Chapter 2: Campus Arrangement Architecture Models

• Media adaptation to carriage abstracts amid antithetical admission band media types

• Security and policy-based connectivity functions through admission lists or packet filters

The Amount Layer

The amount band of a campus arrangement provides connectivity of all administration band devices. The

core, sometimes referred to as the backbone, charge be able to about-face cartage as calmly as

possible. Amount accessories should accept the afterward attributes:

• Actual aerial throughput

• No accidental packet manipulations (access lists, packet filtering)

• No Band 3 processing, unless appropriate and actual fast

• Redundancy and resiliency for aerial availability