Switching Functionality

Switching Functionality

To accept how switches and routers should be alleged and placed in a arrangement design, you

should aboriginal accept how to booty advantage of abstracts advice at altered layers.

The OSI archetypal separates abstracts advice into seven layers, as apparent in Table 2-2. Each

layer has a specific activity and a specific agreement so that two accessories can barter abstracts on

the aforementioned layer. A agreement abstracts assemblage (PDU) is the all-encompassing name for a block of abstracts that a layer

on one accessory exchanges with the aforementioned band on a accessory device. A PDU is encapsulated in a

layer’s agreement afore it is fabricated accessible to a lower-level band or unencapsulated afore being

handed to a higher-level layer.

In Table 2-2, Layers 2, 3, and 4 are represented by the abstracts link, network, and carriage layers,

respectively, with PDU’s frame, packet, and TCP segment. When a TCP articulation (Layer 4)

needs to be transmitted to accession station, the TCP articulation is encapsulated as a packet (Layer

3) and added encapsulated as a anatomy (Layer 2). The accepting base will unencapsulate

Layers 2 and 3 afore processing the aboriginal TCP segment.

The layered protocols additionally administer to networking devices. For example, a Band 2 accessory will

transfer abstracts by attractive at Band 2’s PDU attack information. Any upper-layer agreement will

not be looked at or alike understood. Layer-specific accessories are discussed in detail in the

following sections.

Layer 2 Switching

Devices that advanced frames at Band 2 absorb the afterward functions:

• MAC addresses are abstruse from the antecedent addresses of admission frames.

Table 2-2 Layers of Abstracts Communications

OSI Band Agreement Abstracts Assemblage Mechanism to Process PDU

7 (application)

6 (presentation)

5 (session)

4 (transport) TCP articulation TCP port

3 (network) Packet Router

2 (data link) Anatomy Switch/bridge

1 (physical)

• A table of MAC addresses and their associated bridge/switch ports is congenital and


• Advertisement and multicast frames are abounding out to all ports.

• Frames destined to alien locations are abounding out to all ports.

• Bridges and switches acquaint with anniversary added appliance the Spanning-Tree Agreement to

eliminate bridging loops.

A Band 2 about-face performs about the aforementioned activity as a cellophane bridge. However, a

switch can accept abounding ports and can accomplish hardware-based bridging. Frames are forwarded

using specialized accouterments alleged application-specific chip circuits (ASICs). This

hardware gives switching abundant scalability, with wire-speed performance, low latency, low cost,

and aerial anchorage density.

As continued as frames are actuality switched amid two Band 1 interfaces of the aforementioned media type,

such as two Ethernet access or an Ethernet affiliation and a Fast Ethernet connection, the

Layer 2 frames do not accept to be modified. However, if the two interfaces are altered media,

such as Ethernet and Token Ring or Ethernet and Fiber Distributed Abstracts Interface (FDDI), the

Layer 2 about-face charge construe the anatomy capacity afore sending out the Band 1 interface.

Layer 2 switching is acclimated primarily for workgroup connectivity and arrangement segmentation.

Traffic amid users and servers in a workgroup can be independent aural the switch. In

addition, the cardinal of stations on a arrangement articulation can be bargain with a switch,

minimizing the blow area size.

One check to Band 2 switching is that it cannot be scaled actual effectively. Switches must

forward advertisement frames to all ports, causing ample switched networks to become large

broadcast domains. In addition, the Spanning-Tree Agreement can accept a apathetic aggregation time

when the about-face cartography changes. It additionally can block assertive about-face ports, preventing data

transfer. (Chapter 5, “Redundant About-face Links,” discusses the Spanning-Tree Agreement in

further detail.) Band 2 switching abandoned cannot accommodate an effective, scalable arrangement design.

Layer 3 Routing

Devices complex in Band 3 acquisition accomplish the afterward functions:

• Packets are forwarded amid networks, based on Band 3 addresses.

• An optimal aisle is bent for a packet to booty through a arrangement to the abutting router.

• Packet forwarding involves a table lookup of the destination network, next-hop router

address, and the router’s own outbound interface.

• An optimal aisle can be alleged from amid abounding possibilities.

• Routers acquaint with anniversary added appliance acquisition protocols.

22 Chapter 2: Campus Arrangement Architecture Models

By nature, routers do not advanced advertisement packets and alone advanced multicast packets to

destinations that are multicast clients. This activity provides ascendancy over advertisement propagation

and offers analysis of the arrangement into areas of accepted Band 3 addressing.

Logical acclamation is accessible on a arrangement with routers because the Band 3 (network layer)

address abnormally identifies a accessory alone at the arrangement band of the OSI model. Actual frame

forwarding occurs appliance the Band 2 or abstracts articulation abode of devices. Therefore, some method

must abide to accessory a device’s abstracts articulation (MAC) abode with its arrangement band (IP) address.

A router charge additionally accept addresses from both layers assigned to anniversary of its interfaces connected

to a network. This appointment gives the router the functionality to abutment the analytic network

layer addresses assigned to the concrete networks.

In addition, a router charge appraise the Band 3 attack of anniversary packet afore authoritative a routing

decision. Band 3 aegis and ascendancy can be implemented on any router interface by appliance the

source and destination addresses, protocol, or added Band 3 aspect to accomplish decisions on

whether to absolute or advanced the packets.

Layer 3 acquisition is about performed by microprocessor-based engines, which crave CPU

cycles to appraise the arrangement band attack of anniversary packet. The acquisition table of optimal paths

to Band 3 networks can additionally be a ample table of activating values, acute a bound look-up delay.

Although a router can be placed anywhere in a network, the router can become a aqueduct due

to a cessation of packet assay and processing.

Layer 3 Switching

Devices complex in Band 3 switching accomplish the afterward functions:

• Packets are forwarded at Band 3 aloof as a router would do.

• Packets are switched appliance specialized accouterments ASICs for accelerated and low latency.

• Packets can be forwarded with aegis ascendancy and Quality of Account (QoS) appliance Layer

3 abode information.

Layer 3 switches are advised to appraise and advanced packets in accelerated LAN

environments. Whereas, a router ability appoint a aqueduct to forwarding throughput, a Layer

3 about-face can be placed anywhere in the network.

Layer 4 Switching

Devices complex in Band 4 switching accomplish the afterward functions:

• Packets are forwarded appliance accouterments switching, based on both Band 3 acclamation and

Layer 4 appliance information.

• Band 3 agreement types (UDP or TCP, for example) in packet headers are examined.

• Band 4 articulation headers are advised to actuate appliance anchorage numbers.

Campus Arrangement Models 23

Switching at Band 4 allows bigger ascendancy over the movement of types of information. For

example, cartage can be prioritized according to the antecedent and destination anchorage numbers, and

QoS can be authentic for end users. Therefore, video or articulation abstracts can be switched at a higher

level of account with added bandwidth availability than book alteration or HTTP traffic. Band 4 port

numbers for antecedent and destination can additionally accomplish cartage accounting.

A Band 4 about-face charge additionally admeasure a ample bulk of anamnesis to its forwarding tables. Layer

2 and Band 3 accessories accept forwarding tables based on MAC and arrangement addresses, making

those tables alone as ample as the cardinal of arrangement devices. Band 4 devices, however, must

also accumulate clue of appliance protocols and conversations occurring in the network. Their

forwarding tables become proportional to the cardinal of arrangement accessories assorted by the

number of applications.

Multilayer Switching (MLS)

Devices complex in MLS accomplish the afterward functions:

• Packets are forwarded in accouterments that combines Band 2, Band 3, and Band 4 switching.

• Packets are forwarded at wire speed.

• The acceptable Band 3 acquisition activity is provided as avenue one, about-face many. Routing

sets up a arrangement conversation, while accouterments switches the cartage breeze at aerial speeds.

Cisco switches accomplish multilayer switching at Band 3 and Band 4. At Band 3, the Catalyst

family of switches will accumulation cartage flows based on IP addresses. At Band 4, the cartage flows

are buried based on antecedent and destination addresses, in accession to antecedent and destination

ports. All switching is performed in hardware, accouterment according achievement at both Band 3 and

Layer 4 switching.