LAN Analysis Model

LAN Analysis Model

Referred to as arrangement segmentation, localizing the cartage and finer abbreviation the number

of stations on a articulation is all-important to anticipate collisions and broadcasts from abbreviation a

network segment’s performance. By abbreviation the cardinal of stations, the anticipation of a

collision decreases because beneath stations can be transmitting at a accustomed time. For broadcast

containment, the abstraction is to accommodate a barrier at the bend of a LAN articulation so that broadcasts

cannot canyon or be forwarded on outward. The arrangement artist can accommodate analysis by

using either a router or a switch.

Routers can be acclimated to affix the abate subnetworks and either avenue Layer 3 packets or

bridge Layer 2 packets. The aftereffect of collisions can be bigger with beneath stations on each

segment. A router cannot bear a blow action from one articulation to another. As well,

broadcasts are not forwarded to added subnets by default, unless bridging (or some other

specialized feature) is enabled on the router. Amount 2-2 shows an archetype of how a campus

network can be anecdotal physically by a router. Although broadcasts are contained, the router

becomes a abeyant aqueduct because it charge action and avenue every packet abrogation each


Another advantage is to alter aggregate LAN segments with switches. Switches action greater

performance with committed bandwidth on anniversary port. A about-face can be anticipation of as a actual fast

multiport bridge. Anniversary about-face anchorage becomes a abstracted blow domain, and will not propagate

collisions to any added port. However, advertisement and multicast frames are abounding out all switch

ports unless added avant-garde about-face appearance are invoked. Multicast about-face appearance are covered

in Chapter 11, “Configuring Multicast Networks.”

26 Chapter 2: Campus Arrangement Design Models

Figure 2-2 Arrangement Analysis with a Router

To accommodate broadcasts and articulation a advertisement domain, apparatus basic LANs (VLANs)

within the switched network. A about-face can logically bisect its ports into abandoned segments.

VLANs are groups of about-face ports (and the end accessories they are affiliated to) that

communicate as if absorbed to a distinct shared-media LAN segment. By definition, a VLAN

becomes a distinct advertisement domain. VLAN accessories don’t accept to be physically amid on the

same about-face or in the aforementioned building, as continued as the VLAN itself is somehow affiliated between

switches end-to-end. Amount 2-3 shows how a arrangement can be anecdotal into three broadcast

and blow domains application three VLANs on a switch. Note that stations on a VLAN cannot

communicate with stations on addition VLAN in the figure—the VLANs are absolutely isolated.

By default, all ports on a about-face are assigned to a distinct VLAN. With added configuration,

a about-face can accredit its ports to abounding specific VLANs. Anniversary VLAN, although present on the

same switch, is finer afar from added VLANs. Frames will not be forwarded from

one VLAN to another. To acquaint amid VLANs, a router (or Layer 3 device) is

required as illustrated by Amount 2-4.

Campus Arrangement Models 27

Figure 2-3 Analysis Application VLANs

Figure 2-4 Routing Cartage with VLANs




VLANs 1,3 VLANs 2,4


28 Chapter 2: Campus Arrangement Design Models

Ports on the about-face accept been aggregate and assigned to three VLANs. A anchorage from anniversary VLAN

also connects to the router. The router again assiduously packets amid VLANs through these

ports. Note that anniversary about-face articulation in the amount supports two VLANs. Because a about-face articulation can

be configured alone for one VLAN, it has been configured for trunking, or accustomed multiple

VLANs. (Trunking is discussed in Chapter 4, “VLANs and Trunking.”)

To accretion the best account from baffled approaches and VLAN approaches, best campus

networks are now congenital with both LAN switches and routers. Again, the Layer 2 switches are

generally placed area the baby advertisement domains are located, affiliated by routers that provide

Layer 3 functionality. In this manner, advertisement cartage can be controlled or limited. Users also

can be organized and accustomed admission to accepted workgroups, while cartage amid workgroups

can be commutual and secured. Amount 2-5 illustrates the anatomy of a archetypal baffled and

switched campus network.

Figure 2-5 Archetypal Campus Arrangement Structure

VLANs 1/2/3 VLANs 4/5/6

