Desktop Connectivity with Ethernet

Desktop Connectivity with Ethernet

This area provides a analysis of the assorted “flavors” of Ethernet and their appliance in a

campus network. Recall how the bandwidth requirements for anniversary articulation of the arrangement are

determined by the types of applications in use, the cartage flows aural the network, and the size

of the user association served. Ethernet scales to abutment accretion bandwidths, and should be

chosen to bout the charge at anniversary point in the campus network. As arrangement bandwidth

requirements grow, the links amid access, distribution, and amount layers can be scaled to

match the load.

Other arrangement media technologies accessible accommodate Fiber Administration Data Interface (FDDI),

Copper Administration Data Interface (CDDI), Token Ring, and Asynchronous Transfer Mode

(ATM). Although these media are frequently used, Ethernet is arising as the best popular

choice in installed networks. Ethernet is called because of its low cost, availability, and

scalability to college bandwidths. Token Ring is discussed after in this chapter, while ATM is

covered in Affiliate 6, “Trunking with ATM LANE.”