The Bulk Block

The Bulk Block

A bulk block is appropriate to affix two or added about-face blocks in a campus network. Because

all cartage casual to and from all about-face blocks, server blocks, the WAN block, and the Internet

must cantankerous the bulk block, the bulk charge be as able and airy as possible. The bulk is the

basic foundation of the campus arrangement and carries abundant added cartage than any added block.

A arrangement bulk can use any technology (frame, cell, or packet) to carriage campus data. Some

network designs advance ATM in the core, while others are based on Ethernet. Because most

campus networks are now appliance Gigabit Ethernet as a bulk technology, Ethernet bulk blocks

will be advised at length. (Refer to Affiliate 6, “Trunking with ATM LANE,” for a discussion

of ATM LANE features.)

Recall that the administration band provides Band 3 functionality, and that the bulk is usually

designed with Band 2 devices. Therefore, alone IP subnets are acclimated to affix all

distribution and bulk switches. At atomic two subnets should be acclimated to accommodate resiliency and

load acclimation into the core, although a audible VLAN could be used. As VLANs end at the

distribution layer, they are baffled into the core.

The bulk block could abide of a audible Band 2 switch, demography in the two bombastic links from

the administration band switches. Due to the accent of the bulk block in a campus network,

two or added identical switches should be implemented in the bulk to accommodate redundancy. As

well, either Band 2 or Band 3 accessories can be acclimated in the core, depending on design

requirements. This affair will be discussed added in the afterward sections.


To bulk layer









44 Affiliate 2: Campus Arrangement Architecture Models

The links amid layers should additionally be advised to backpack at atomic the bulk of cartage load

handled by the administration switches. The links amid bulk switches in the aforementioned bulk subnet

should be of acceptable admeasurement to backpack the accumulated bulk of cartage advancing into the bulk switch.

Consider the boilerplate articulation utilization, but acquiesce for approaching growth. An Ethernet bulk allows for

simple and scalable upgrades of consequence (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Fast EtherChannel,

Gigabit Ethernet, Gigabit EtherChannel, and so on).

Two basal bulk block designs are presented in the afterward sections, anniversary advised for the size

of a campus network:

• Burst core

• Bifold core

Collapsed Core

A burst bulk block is one area the bulk band of the bureaucracy is burst into the

distribution layer. Here, both administration and bulk functions are provided aural the same

switch devices. This bearings is usually begin in abate campus networks, area a separate

core band (and added amount or performance) is not warranted.

Figure 2-9 shows the basal burst bulk design. Although the administration and bulk layer

functions are performed in the aforementioned device, befitting these functions audible and properly

designed is important. Note additionally that the burst bulk is not an absolute architecture block,

but is chip into the administration band of the alone standalone about-face blocks.

In the burst bulk design, anniversary admission band about-face has a bombastic articulation to anniversary distribution/

core band switch. All Band 3 subnets present in the admission band abolish at the Band 3 ports

of the administration switches, as in the basal about-face block design. The distribution/core switches

are affiliated to anniversary added by one or added links, commutual a aisle to be acclimated during a

redundancy failover. Spanning Tree will accumulate one of the bombastic links to the admission layer

blocked to anticipate Band 2 bridging loops.

Figure 2-9 Burst Bulk Block Design

Switch block 2





Switch block 1

Core links

Modular Arrangement Architecture 45

However, at Band 3, back-up is provided through HSRP for IP. The two distribution

switches will allotment a accepted absence aperture address, but alone one will be alive at any time.

In the accident of a distribution/core about-face failure, connectivity to the bulk will be maintained as

the bombastic Band 3 about-face takes over.

Why be anxious about the differences amid Band 2 and Band 3 redundancy? Although

the distribution/core switches accept Band 3 functionality, as in the case of MLS, understanding

how MLS works in switches like the Catalyst 5000 and 6000 families is useful. A Band 3

routing accommodation is aboriginal fabricated on a cartage breeze (either by an chip or alien router). The

switches accumulation this information, and Band 3 switching begins afterwards a aisle is bent by the

routing decision. Therefore, both Band 2 and Band 3 operations are still occurring on the

distribution/core switches, anniversary with altered back-up requirements. Affiliate 8 covers MLS

in added detail.

Dual Core

A bifold bulk connects two or added about-face blocks in a bombastic fashion. Although the collapsed

core can affix two about-face blocks with some redundancy, the bulk is not scalable back more

switch blocks are added. Figure 2-10 illustrates the bifold core. Apprehension that this bulk appears as

an absolute bore and is not alloyed into any added block or layer.

Normally, the bifold bulk is congenital with Band 2 switches to accommodate the simplest and best efficient

throughput. Architecture a bifold bulk with Band 3 is possible, as discussed in the area “Layer 3

Core” after in the chapter. The bifold bulk uses two identical switches to accommodate redundancy.

Redundant links affix the administration band allocation of anniversary about-face block to anniversary of the dual

core switches. Note the absence of any links amid the two bulk switches. In a Band 2 core,

the switches are not affiliated to abstain any bridging loops.

Figure 2-10 Bifold Arrangement Bulk Design

Switch block 1 About-face block 2



Subnet A Subnet B



46 Affiliate 2: Campus Arrangement Architecture Models

In the bifold core, anniversary administration about-face has two equal-cost paths to the core, accouterment twice

the accessible bandwidth. Both paths abide alive because the administration band uses Band 3

devices that can administer equal-cost paths in acquisition tables. In fact, the Band 3 path

determination beyond the bulk occurs after any assurance on Spanning Tree at all. Designing

the bulk after links amid the bulk switches removes any achievability of loops and

eliminates the charge for Spanning Tree in the core. The acquisition agreement in use determines the

availability or accident of a adjoining Band 3 device. Therefore, if one bulk about-face fails, the

routing agreement will reroute cartage appliance an alternating aisle through the absolute bulk switch.

Core Admeasurement in a Campus Network

The bifold bulk is fabricated up of bombastic switches, and is belted and abandoned by Band 3

devices. Acquisition protocols actuate paths and advance the operation of the core. As with any

network, you charge pay some absorption to the all-embracing architecture of the routers and acquisition protocols

in the network. As acquisition protocols bear updates throughout the network, network

topologies ability be ability change. The admeasurement of the arrangement (the cardinal of routers) then

affects acquisition agreement performance, as updates are exchanged and arrangement aggregation takes


While the arrangement apparent in Figure 2-10 ability attending baby with alone two about-face blocks of two

Layer 3 switches (route processors aural the administration band switches) each, ample campus

networks can accept abounding about-face blocks affiliated into the bulk block. Band 2 accessories are used

in the bulk with usually alone a audible VLAN or subnet beyond the core. Therefore, all route

processors affix into a audible advertisement area at the core. Anniversary avenue processor must

communicate with and accumulate advice about anniversary of its anon affiliated peers. Thus, most

routing protocols accept applied banned on the cardinal of associate routers that can be connected.

Because two equal-cost paths from anniversary administration about-face into the core, anniversary router forms two

peer relationships with every added router. Therefore, the absolute best cardinal of switch

blocks that can be accurate is bisected the cardinal of administration band routers. For example, if

routing protocols such as Open Shortest Aisle Aboriginal (OSPF) and Enhanced Interior Gateway

Routing Agreement (EIGRP) could abutment a best of 50 peers, alone 25 about-face blocks could

be affiliated into the core. Additionally accumulate in apperception that added types of campus modules (server

blocks, WAN blocks, mainframe blocks, and so forth) affix into the bulk and create

additional associate relationships.

One final bulk admeasurement appliance is accompanying to the acquisition protocols and their abutment of equalcost

paths. In the case of bifold bulk design, these paths charge advance to abandoned VLANs or subnets

if a acquisition agreement supports two equal-cost paths. In added words, anniversary aisle charge be connected

to a abstracted concrete bulk switch. Two equal-cost paths are acclimated in a bifold bulk architecture with two

Layer 2 switches. Likewise, a acquisition agreement that supports six equal-cost paths requires that

the six administration about-face links be affiliated to absolutely six Band 2 accessories in the core.

Although this bureaucracy sounds complicated, it gives six times the back-up and six times the

available bandwidth into the core.

Modular Arrangement Architecture 47

This leads to a final architecture point for the absolute bulk switch—scale the bulk about-face to bout the

incoming load. At a minimum, the bulk about-face charge be able to handle switching anniversary of its

incoming administration links at 100% capacity.

Core Scalability

As the cardinal of about-face blocks increases, the bulk block charge additionally be able of scaling

without redesign. Traditionally, hierarchical arrangement designs accept acclimated Band 2 switches at the

access layer, Band 3 accessories at the administration layer, and Band 2 switches at the core. This

design has been actual amount able and has provided high-performance connectivity between

switch blocks in the campus.

Network advance dictates added about-face blocks, which in about-face requires added administration switches

with bombastic paths into the core. The bulk charge again be scaled to abutment the back-up and

the added campus cartage load.

Providing bombastic paths from the administration switches into the bulk block allows the Layer

3 administration switches to analyze several equal-cost paths beyond the core. If the cardinal of core

switches charge be added for scalability, the cardinal of equal-cost paths can become

excessive—more than the acquisition protocols can handle.

Because the bulk block is formed with Band 2 switches, the Spanning-Tree Agreement is acclimated to

prevent bridging loops. Two architecture decisions can be fabricated in the core:

• Interconnect the bulk switches with bombastic links.

• Interconnect the bulk switches alone with administration accessories (not added bulk switches).

The aboriginal architecture accommodation creates the achievability of bridging loops by basic a triangle between

a administration about-face and two bulk switches. Therefore, Spanning Tree charge be enabled to

dismantle the loop. Blocking one of the bombastic distribution/core links finer removes

both back-up and amount balancing. Also, the Spanning Tree can be actual apathetic to converge

(more than 50 seconds) if the arrangement cartography changes. Ample portions of the bulk block can

become abandoned while the arrangement reconverges.

The added architecture accommodation allows Spanning Tree to abide to run aural the core, but loops

will never anatomy because the bulk switches are not affiliated together. The Band 3 accessories in the

distribution band will use the equal-cost paths into the bulk to the best advantage.

However, as about-face blocks are added, you charge booty affliction not to beat the cardinal of equalcost

paths that can be accurate by the acquisition protocols. As well, the about-face block routers will

appear to all sit on a audible subnet because they are affiliated to a Band 2 about-face area in

the core. As discussed earlier, the cardinal of routers that can be anon affiliated to aeon is

limited. One band-aid to this botheration is to breach up the bulk into assorted VLANs so that router

peering is bargain in anniversary VLAN.

48 Affiliate 2: Campus Arrangement Architecture Models

Layer 3 Core

Layer 3 switching can additionally be acclimated in the bulk to absolutely calibration the bulk block for ample campus

networks. This admission additionally overcomes the problems of apathetic convergence, amount balancing

limitations, and router analytical limitations. Figure 2-11 shows a arrangement architecture appliance a Layer

3 core. Apprehension that the arrangement anatomy is identical to one appliance a Band 2 bifold core. The main

difference is that the bulk accessories accomplish at Band 3. Additionally apprehension that the bulk switches can have

direct links to anniversary other. Because of Band 3 functionality, the absolute links do not appoint any

bridging loops.

Figure 2-11 Band 3 Bulk Design

With a Band 3 core, the aisle assurance intelligence occurs in both the administration and core

layers, acceptance the cardinal of bulk accessories to be added for scalability. Bombastic paths also

can be acclimated to interconnect the bulk switches after affair for Band 2 bridging loops.

Router analytical problems are additionally affected as the cardinal of routers affiliated to individual

subnets is reduced. Administration accessories are no best advised aeon with all other

distribution devices. Instead, a administration accessory aeon alone with a bulk about-face on anniversary link

into the core. This advantage becomes abnormally important in actual ample campus networks

involving added than 100 about-face blocks.

The capital apropos with implementing a Band 3 bulk block are amount and performance. The

Layer 3 accessories appropriate are added big-ticket than Band 2 devices. The Band 3 accessories also

need to accept switching latencies commensurable to their Band 2 counterparts. Appliance a Band 3 core

also adds added acquisition hops to cross-campus traffic. However, the added scalability

and adaptability of a Band 3 bulk far outweigh any slight achievement risks. In fact, with MLS

and CEF performed in hardware, the added aerial is negligible.

Switch block 1 About-face block 2

Layer 3

core block



Foundation Arbitrary 49

Foundation Summary

The Foundation Arbitrary is a accumulating of tables and abstracts that provides a acceptable review

of abounding key concepts in this chapter. For those of you already adequate with the capacity in

this chapter, this arbitrary could advice you anamnesis a few details. For those of you who aloof read

this chapter, this analysis should advice coalesce some key facts. For any of you accomplishing your final

preparation afore the exam, the afterward tables and abstracts will hopefully be a convenient

way to analysis the day afore the exam.

Table 2-6 Layers of Abstracts Communications

OSI Band Agreement Abstracts Unit Mechanism to Process PDU

7 (application)

6 (presentation)

5 (session)

4 (transport) TCP articulation TCP port

3 (network) Packet Router

2 (data link) Anatomy Switch/bridge

1 (physical)

Table 2-7 Types of Arrangement Services

Service Blazon Location of Service Extent of Cartage Flow

Local Aforementioned segment/VLAN as user Admission band only

Remote Altered segment/VLAN as user Admission to administration layers

Enterprise Central to all campus users Admission to administration to bulk layers

50 Affiliate 2: Campus Arrangement Architecture Models

Table 2-8 Comparison of Hierarchical Layers

Layer Attributes

Access High anchorage body to affix to end users

Low cost

Uplinks to college layers of the campus network

Layer 2 casework (traffic clarification and VLAN membership)

Distribution Aggregation of admission band devices

High Band 3 throughput—InterVLAN routing

Robust Band 3 functionality


Media translation

Core Fast abstracts transport

No “expensive” Band 3 processing

Table 2-9 Catalyst Switches for the Admission Layer



Max Port

Density Uplinks Max Backplane Added features

1900 24 10BaseT 2 100BaseX 1 Gbps Fast EtherChannel

2820 24 10BaseT 100BaseX/FDDI/ATM 1 Gbps Fast EtherChannel

2900 XL 48 10/100 2 100 or 1000BaseX

or ATM

24 Gbps QoS

3500 XL 48 10/100 2 1000BaseX 10 Gbps Stackable Gigabit

4000 96 10/100

36 1000BaseX

100 or 1000BaseX 24 Gbps Security, QoS

5000 396 10/100 Any 3.6 Gbps Modular, “any-to-any”


Foundation Arbitrary 51

Table 2-10 Arbitrary of Catalyst About-face Products and Typical Hierarchical Band Applications

Campus Admeasurement Band Catalyst About-face Key Features

Any Admission 1900 <>

100FX uplinks

2820 <>

100FX/FDDI/ATM uplinks

2900XL <>

100 or GE uplinks

3500XL <>

GE uplinks


4000 <>

GE uplinks

5000 > 100 users any media

Any blazon uplinks

Low price/port

Small Campus Administration 2926G <>

GE uplinks


2948G-L3 <>

GE uplinks

Layer 3 switching (CEF)

4908G-L3 8 GE admission devices

Layer 3 switching (CEF)

5000 High 100 and GE densities

Any media supported


6000 High 100 and GE densities

High performance


Scalable for approaching growth

Core Usually combined

with distribution


52 Affiliate 2: Campus Arrangement Architecture Models

Medium Campus Administration 5000 High 100 and GE densities

Any media supported


6000 High 100 and GE densities

High performance


Scalable for approaching growth

Core 5000 High anchorage densities

Any media

6000 High GE densities

High performance

Security and QoS


8500 High performance


Security and QoS


Large Campus Administration 6000 High 100 and GE densities


Security and QoS

High performance

Core 6000 High 100 and GE densities

Security and QoS

High performance

8500 100/GE/ATM/SONET

Non-blocking MLS (CEF)

High performance