SSH Access

SSH Access

Telnet agreement in accepted is the best accepted agreement acclimated to accomplish accessory management, but it is highly

insecure because communications in the Telnet affair are in bright text. A added reliable admission is to use the

SSH protocol. Security apparatus supports SSH admission for administration purposes. Security appliance

supports the SSH alien carapace functionality provided in SSH Versions 1 and 2 and supports DES and 3DES

ciphers. To configure SSH, accomplish an RSA key pair, which is appropriate for SSH, and again analyze the IP

addresses/networks from which the apparatus accepts admission by application the ssh command from the global

configuration mode. Other requirements charge to be accomplished to configure SSH, such as configuring the domain

name and creating the RSA key pair.

The best defended and awful recommended accessory administration admission ascendancy aggregate is acquired by using

SSH with AAA affidavit with either TACACS+ or RADIUS. (AAA affidavit is discussed in Chapter 8,

"Securing Administration Access.")