The Affair Accompaniment Table

The Affair Accompaniment Table

CBAC maintains a affair accompaniment table with affiliation information, such as the source/destination IP addresses,

source/destination anchorage numbers, and the appliance agreement information. For every admission packet that CBAC

inspects, the accompaniment table is adapted with all the information. This advice is acclimated to bite a activating aperture in

the firewall admission account for the acknowledgment traffic. Acknowledgment cartage will be acceptable aback through the firewall alone if an

entry in the accompaniment table indicates that the packet belongs to a permissible session. Example 5-1 shows sample

session accompaniment table information, and Example 5-2 shows the activating ACL access that corresponds to the

information in this accompaniment table.

Example 5-1. Affiliation Advice in the Accompaniment Table

Router# appearance ip audit session

Established Sessions

Session 25A4E53 (>( tcp SIS_OPEN