Port Blocking

Port Blocking

When a packet arrives at the switch, the about-face performs a lookup for the destination MAC abode in the MAC

address table to actuate which anchorage it will use to accelerate the packet out to accelerate on. If no access is begin in the

MAC abode table, the about-face will advertisement (flood) alien unicast or multicast cartage out to all the ports in

the aforementioned VLAN (broadcast domain). Forwarding an alien unicast or multicast cartage to a adequate port

could accession aegis issues.

Unknown unicast or multicast cartage can be blocked from actuality forwarded by application the anchorage blocking feature.

To configure anchorage blocking for alien unicast and multicast flooding, use the afterward procedures:

The switchport block multicast interface agreement command to block alien multicast forwarding

to a port

The switchport block unicast interface agreement command to block alien unicast forwarding to a


The appearance interfaces {interface} switchport command to validate the anchorage blocking configuration

By default, ports are not configured in blocking mode. Example 4-2 shows how to accredit and verify about-face ports

configured for the anchorage blocking feature.

Example 4-2. Configuring the Anchorage Blocking Feature

Switch(config)# interface Fastethernet0/1

Switch(config-if)# switchport block multicast

Switch(config-if)# switchport block unicast

Switch(config-if)# end

Switch# appearance interfaces FastEthernet 0/1 switchport

Name: Fa0/1

Switchport: Enabled

Administrative Mode: changeless access


Protected: true

Unknown unicast blocked: enabled

Unknown multicast blocked: enabled

Appliance trust: none