IP Acclamation Practice

IP Acclamation Practice

Chapter 4, “IP Addressing,” covers abounding capacity accompanying to allegory IP addresses, subnets, and

summarized IP routes. That affiliate suggests some decimal algebraic algorithms that acquiesce you to

find the answers to some archetypal questions afterwards accepting to accomplish timD-consuming

conversions amid bifold and decimal.

As promised in Affiliate 4, this addendum provides some convenance problems that should advice you

perfect the use of the algorithms in Affiliate 4. Note that the ambition of this convenance is not to make

you acquire the algorithms—instead, the ambition is to advice you become so accustomed with the

patterns in the decimal algebraic that you can attending at a botheration and anticipate the acknowledgment quickly.

The absorbed is to accredit you, afterwards you accept accomplished enough, to artlessly attending at a botheration and do

the algebraic in your head, blank the specific accomplish in the book.

This addendum covers the decimal algebraic processes to acknowledgment the afterward four types of



Given an IP abode and mask/prefix length, account the cardinal of subnets (assuming SLSM),

number of hosts per subnet (assuming SLSM), the subnet number, the advertisement address,

and the ambit of accurate IP addresses in that aforementioned subnet.


Given an IP arrangement and a changeless mask/prefix length, account the subnet numbers.


Given a set of routes, acquisition the aboriginal across-the-board arbitrary route.


Given a set of routes, acquisition the aboriginal absolute arbitrary route(s).

These capacity are covered in adjustment in this appendix. Also, assay http://www.get-cisco-certified.com,

a website at which we intend to action added assay alertness help—we will be abacus additional

practice problems on the web armpit as time permits.


CCIE Routing and Switching Assay Certification Guide

Subnetting Practice

This addendum lists 25 abstracted questions, allurement you to acquire the subnet number, broadcast

address, and ambit of accurate IP addresses. In the solutions, the bifold algebraic is shown, as is the

process that avoids bifold algebraic application the “subnet chart” declared in Affiliate 4, “IP Addressing.”

You ability appetite to assay Affiliate 4’s area on IP acclamation afore aggravating to acknowledgment these


25 Subnetting Questions

Given anniversary IP abode and mask, accumulation the afterward advice for anniversary of these 25 examples:

Size of the arrangement allotment of the address

Size of the subnet allotment of the address

Size of the host allotment of the address

The cardinal of hosts per subnet

The cardinal of subnets in this network

The subnet number

The advertisement address

The ambit of accurate IP addresses in this network:

1., affectation

2., affectation

3., affectation

4., affectation

5., affectation

6., affectation

7., affectation

8., affectation

9., affectation

10., affectation

11., affectation

12., affectation

13., affectation

IP Acclamation Practice


14., affectation

15., affectation

16., affectation

17., affectation

18., affectation

19., affectation

20., affectation

21., affectation

22., affectation

23., affectation

24., affectation

25., affectation

Suggestions on How to Advance the Problem

If you are accessible to go advanced and alpha answering the questions, go ahead! If you appetite more

explanation of how to advance such questions, accredit aback to the area on IP subnetting in Affiliate 4.

However, if you accept already apprehend Affiliate 4, a admonition of the accomplish in the action to acknowledgment these

questions, with a little bifold math, is again here:

Step 1

Identify the anatomy of the IP address.


Identify the admeasurement of the arrangement allotment of the address, based on Class A, B, and C



Identify the admeasurement of the host allotment of the address, based on the cardinal of binary

0s in the mask. If the affectation is “tricky,” use the blueprint of archetypal affectation ethics to

convert the affectation to bifold added quickly.


The admeasurement of the subnet allotment is what’s “left over”; mathematically, it is 32 – (network

+ host)


Declare the cardinal of subnets, which is 2


– 2.


Declare the cardinal of hosts per subnet, which is 2


– 2

Step 2

Create the subnet blueprint that will be acclimated in accomplish 3 and 4.


Create a all-encompassing subnet chart.


Write bottomward the decimal IP abode and subnet affectation in the aboriginal two rows of the



The examples apparent actuality accept classful IP addressing, so the cardinal of subnets per

IP arrangement is listed as 2


- 2. If application classless IP addressing, the numbers would artlessly be 2



CCIE Routing and Switching Assay Certification Guide


If an accessible affectation is used, draw a vertical band amid the 255s and the 0s in the

mask, from top to basal of the chart. If a adamantine affectation is used, draw a box

around the absorbing octet.


Copy the abode octets to the larboard of the band or the box into the final four rows

of the chart.

Step 3

Derive the subnet cardinal and the aboriginal accurate IP address.


On the band on the blueprint area you are autograph bottomward the subnet number, write

down 0s in the octets to the appropriate of the band or the box.


If the affectation is difficult, so that there is a box in the chart, use the abracadabra number

trick to acquisition the decimal amount of the subnet’s absorbing octet, and abode it

down. Remember, the abracadabra cardinal is activate by adding the interesting

(non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s closest

to but not beyond than the IP address’s absorbing octet amount is the subnet value

in that octet.


To acquire the aboriginal accurate IP address, archetype the aboriginal three octets of the

subnet number, and add 1 to the fourth octet of the subnet number.

Step 4

Derive the advertisement abode and the aftermost accurate IP abode for this subnet.


Write bottomward 255s in the advertisement abode octets to the appropriate of the band or the



If the affectation is difficult, so that there is a box in the chart, use the abracadabra number

trick to acquisition the amount of the advertisement address’s absorbing octet. In this case,

you add the subnet number’s absorbing octet amount to the abracadabra number, and

subtract 1.


To acquire the aftermost accurate IP address, archetype the aboriginal three octets of the broadcast

address and decrease 1 from the fourth octet of the advertisement address.

Question 1: Answer

The answers activate with the assay of the three genitalia of the address, the cardinal of hosts per

subnet, and the cardinal of subnets of this arrangement application the declared mask. The bifold algebraic for

subnet and advertisement abode adding follows. The acknowledgment finishes with the easier mental

calculations application the subnet blueprint declared in Affiliate 4.

Table D-1

Question 1: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Item Example Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 8 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 22 Always authentic as cardinal of

binary 0s in mask

IP Acclamation Practice


The bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement abode are in Table D-2. To

calculate the two numbers, accomplish a Boolean AND on the abode and mask. To acquisition the

broadcast abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number. The

host $.25 are in


print in the table.

To get the aboriginal accurate IP address, aloof add 1 to the subnet number; to get the aftermost accurate IP address,

just decrease 1 from the advertisement address. In this case: through + 1= – 1=

Steps 2, 3, and 4 in the action use a table like Table D-3, which lists the way to get the same

answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic declared in Affiliate 4. Figure D-1 at the end of

this botheration shows the fields in Table D-3 that are abounding in at anniversary footfall in the process. Remember,

subtracting the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields the abracadabra number. The

magic cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s absorbing octet value

is the subnet amount in that octet.

Item Example Rules to Remember

Number of subnet $.25 2 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 2


– 2 = 2 2


– 2

Number of hosts 2


– 2 = 4,194,302 2


– 2

Table D-2

Question 1: Bifold Adding of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 10

11 0100 0000 1010 0001 0010

Mask 1111 1111 11


0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 0000 1010 10

00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 10

11 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111

Table D-3

Question 1: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet


Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Comments

Address 10 180 10 18 N/A

Mask 255 192 0 0 N/A

Subnet cardinal 10 128 0 0 Abracadabra cardinal = 256 – 192 = 64


Table D-1

Question 1: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts (Continued)


CCIE Routing and Switching Assay Certification Guide

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The second

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 192 = 64 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 128 is the assorted of 64 that’s abutting to 180 but not bigger than 180. So, the additional octet

of the subnet cardinal is 128.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Affiliate 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 128 + 64 – 1 = 191.

Finally, Figure D-1 shows Table D-3 with comments about back anniversary allotment of the table was filled

in, based on the accomplish in the action at the alpha of the chapter.

Figure D-1

Steps 2, 3, and 4 for Question 1

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Comments

First abode 10 128 0 1 Add 1 to aftermost octet of subnet

Broadcast 10 191 255 255 128 + 64 – 1 = 191

Last abode 10 191 255 254 Decrease 1 from aftermost octet

Subnet rule: Assorted of abracadabra cardinal abutting to, but not added than, IP abode amount in absorbing octet

Broadcast rule: Subnet + abracadabra – 1

Table D-3

Question 1: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet

Chart (Continued)

2C: draw





2D: copy



















128 3B


191 4B








255 4A

254 4C



0 3A

1 3C

Magic cardinal = 256

– 192 = 64

Add 1 to aftermost octet

of subnet

128 + 64 – 1 = 191

Subract 1 from

last octet

2B: Abode bottomward address

2B: Abode bottomward mask










IP Acclamation Practice


Question 2: Answer

Table D-5 presents the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in


print in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-6 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Affiliate 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The second

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

Table D-4

Question 2: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Example Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 8 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 21 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s

in mask

Number of subnet $.25 3 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 2


– 2 = 6 2


– 2

Number of hosts 2


– 2 = 2,097,150 2


– 2

Table D-5

Question 2: Bifold Adding of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 110

0 1000 0000 1010 0001 0010

Mask 1111 1111 111


0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 0000 1010 110

0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 110

1 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111


CCIE Routing and Switching Assay Certification Guide

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 224 = 32 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 192 is the assorted of 32 that’s abutting to 200 but not bigger than 200. So, the additional octet

of the subnet cardinal is 192.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Affiliate 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 192 + 32 – 1 = 223.

Question 3: Answer

Table D-6

Question 2: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Comments


10 200 10 18 N/A

Mask 255 224 0 0 N/A



10 192 0 0 Abracadabra cardinal =

256 – 224 = 32



10 192 0 1 Add 1 to aftermost octet

of subnet

Broadcast 10 223 255 255 192 + 32 – 1 = 223



10 223 255 254 Decrease 1 from aftermost octet

Subnet rule: Assorted of abracadabra cardinal abutting to, but not added than, IP abode amount in interesting

octet Advertisement rule: Subnet + abracadabra – 1

Table D-7 Question 3: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Example Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 8 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 20 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s

in mask

Number of subnet $.25 4 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 24 – 2 = 14 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 220 – 2 = 1,048,574 2number-of-host-bits – 2

IP Acclamation Convenance 11

The bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement abode are in Table D-8. To calculate

the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To acquisition the

broadcast abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number. The

host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-9 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Affiliate 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The second

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

Table D-8 Question 3: Bifold Adding of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 0110 0100 0001 00100001 0010

Mask 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 0000 1010 0110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 0110 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111

Table D-9 Question 3: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Comments

Address 10 100 18 18 N/A

Mask 255 240 0 0 N/A



10 96 0 0 Abracadabra number

= 256 – 240 =


First abode 10 96 0 1 Add 1 to last

octet of subnet

Broadcast 10 111 255 255 96 + 16 – 1 =


Last abode 10 111 255 254 Decrease 1 from

last octet

Subnet rule: Assorted of abracadabra cardinal abutting to, but not added than, IP abode amount in absorbing octet Broadcast

rule: Subnet + abracadabra – 1

12 CCIE Routing and Switching Assay Certification Guide

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 240 = 16 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 96 is the assorted of 16 that’s abutting to 100 but not bigger than 100. So, the additional octet of

the subnet cardinal is 96.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Affiliate 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 96 + 16 – 1 = 111.

Question 4: Answer

The bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement abode are in Table D-11. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Table D-10 Question 4: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Example Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of

network bits

8 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of

host bits

19 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s

in mask

Number of

subnet bits

5 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of


25 – 2 = 30 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of


219 – 2 = 524,286 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-11 Question 4: Bifold Adding of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 0110 0100 0001 00100001 0010

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 0000 1010 0110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 0110 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111

IP Acclamation Convenance 13

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-12 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Affiliate 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The second

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 248 = 8 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet).

The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the magic

number that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case,

96 is the assorted of 8 that’s abutting to 100 but not bigger than 100. So, the additional octet of the

subnet cardinal is 96.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Affiliate 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 96 + 8 – 1 = 103.

Table D-12 Question 4: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Comments

Address 10 100 18 18 N/A

Mask 255 248 0 0 N/A

Subnet cardinal 10 96 0 0 Abracadabra number


256 – 248 = 8

First abode 10 96 0 1 Add 1 to last

octet of subnet

Broadcast 10 103 255 255 96 + 8 – 1 =


Last abode 10 103 255 254 Decrease 1

from aftermost octet

Subnet rule: Assorted of abracadabra cardinal abutting to, but not added than, IP abode amount in absorbing octet

Broadcast rule: Subnet + abracadabra – 1

14 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

Question 5: Answer

The bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement abode are in Table D-14. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-15 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

Table D-13 Question 5: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of

network bits

8 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of

host bits

18 Always authentic as cardinal of binary

0s in mask

Number of

subnet bits

6 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of


26 – 2 = 62 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 218 – 2 = 262,142 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-14 Question 5: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 1001 0110 1100 1000 1100 1000

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 0000 1010 0110 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 0110 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111

IP Addressing Practice 15

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The second

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 252 = 4 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet).

The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the magic

number that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case,

148 is the assorted of 4 that’s abutting to 150 but not bigger than 150. So, the additional octet of the

subnet cardinal is 148.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 148 + 4 – 1 = 151.

Question 6: Answer

Table D-15 Question 5: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Comments

Address 10 150 200 200 N/A

Mask 255 252 0 0 N/A



10 148 0 0 Magic

number =

256 – 252 = 4

First abode 10 148 0 1 Add 1 to last

octet of


Broadcast 10 151 255 255 148 + 4 – 1 =


Last abode 10 151 255 254 Decrease 1

from last


Subnet rule: Assorted of abracadabra cardinal abutting to, but not added than, IP abode amount in absorbing octet

Broadcast rule: Subnet + abracadabra – 1

Table D-16 Question 6: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of

network bits

8 Always authentic by Class A, B, C


16 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

The bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement abode are in Table D-17. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-18 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Number of

host bits

17 Always authentic as cardinal of binary

0s in mask

Number of

subnet bits

7 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of


27 – 2 = 126 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of


217 – 2 = 131,070 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-17 Question 6: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 1001 0110 1100 1000 1100 1000

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 0000 1010 0110 0110 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 0110 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111

Table D-18 Question 6: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet


Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 10 150 200 200

Mask 255 254 0 0

Table D-16 Question 6: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts (Continued)

IP Addressing Practice 17

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The second

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 254 = 2 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet).

The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the magic

number that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case,

150 is the assorted of 2 that’s abutting to 150 but not bigger than 150. So, the additional octet of the

subnet cardinal is 150.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 150 + 2 – 1 = 151.

Question 7: Answer

The bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement abode are in Table D-20. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Subnet cardinal 10 150 0 0

First valid


10 150 0 1

Broadcast 10 151 255 255

Last valid


10 151 255 254

Table D-19 Question 7: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 8 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 16 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in


Number of subnet $.25 8 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 28 – 2 = 254 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 216 – 2 = 65,534 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-18 Question 6: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet

Chart (Continued)

18 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-21 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4.

This subnetting arrangement uses an accessible affectation because all of the octets are a 0 or a 255. No algebraic tricks

are bare at all!

Question 8: Answer

Table D-20 Question 7: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 1101 1100 0110 0100 0001 0010

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 0000 1010 1101 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 1101 1100 1111 1111 1111 1111

Table D-21 Question 7: Subnet, Broadcast, First, and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 10 220 100 18

Mask 255 255 0 0

Subnet cardinal 10 220 0 0

First valid


10 220 0 1

Broadcast 10 220 255 255

Last valid


10 220 255 254

Table D-22 Question 8: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 8 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

IP Addressing Practice 19

The bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement abode are in Table D-23. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-24 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Number of host $.25 15 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in


Number of subnet $.25 9 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 29 – 2 = 510 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 215 – 2 = 32,766 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-23 Question 8: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 1101 1100 0110 0100 0001 0010

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 0000

AND aftereffect (subnet

number) 0000 1010 1101 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 1101 1100 0111 1111 1111 1111

Table D-24 Question 8: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 10 220 100 18

Mask 255 255 128 0

Subnet cardinal 10 220 0 0

First abode 10 220 0 1

Broadcast 10 220 127 255

Last Adress 10 220 127 254

Table D-22 Question 8: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts (Continued)

20 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The third

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 128 = 128 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 0 is the assorted of 128 that’s abutting to 100 but not bigger than 100. So, the third octet of the

subnet cardinal is 0.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 0 + 128 – 1 = 127.

This archetype tends to abash bodies because a affectation with 128 in it gives you subnet numbers that

just do not assume to attending right. Table D-25 gives you the answers for the aboriginal several subnets, just

to accomplish abiding that you are bright about the subnets back application this affectation with a Class A network.

Question 9: Answer

Table D-25 Question 8: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Zero Subnet

First Valid


Second Valid


Third Valid



First abode

Last abode


Table D-26 Question 9: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by

Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 14 Always authentic as cardinal of

binary 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 2 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 22 – 2 = 2 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 214 – 2 = 16,382 2number-of-host-bits – 2

IP Addressing Practice 21

The bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement abode are in Table D-27. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-28 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The third

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 192 = 64 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 64 is the assorted of 64 that’s abutting to 100 but not bigger than 100. So, the third octet of the

subnet cardinal is 64.

Table D-27 Question 9: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 1111 0110 0100 0110 0100

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 1111 0100 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 1111 0111 1111 1111 1111

Table D-28 Question 9: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 31 100 100

Mask 255 255 192 0

Subnet cardinal 172 31 64 0

First valid


172 31 64 1

Broadcast 172 31 127 255

Last valid


172 31 127 254

22 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 64 + 64 – 1 = 127.

Question 10: Answer

The bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement abode are in Table D-30. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-31 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

Table D-29 Question 10: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 13 Always authentic as cardinal of binary

0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 3 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 23 – 2 = 6 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 213 – 2 = 8190 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-30 Question 10: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 1111 0110 0100 0110 0100

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 1111 0110 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 1111 0111 1111 1111 1111

IP Addressing Practice 23

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The third octet

is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to account the magic

number, which is 256 – 224 = 32 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet). The subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the abracadabra cardinal that’s not

bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 96 is the multiple

of 32 that’s abutting to 100 but not bigger than 100. So, the third octet of the subnet cardinal is 96.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 96 + 32 – 1 = 127.

Question 11: Answer

Table D-31 Question 10: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 31 100 100

Mask 255 255 224 0

Subnet cardinal 172 31 96 0

First accurate abode 172 31 96 1

Broadcast 172 31 127 255

Last accurate abode 172 31 127 254

Table D-32 Question 11: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 12 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in


Number of subnet $.25 4 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 24 – 2 = 14 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 212 – 2 = 4094 2number-of-host-bits – 2

24 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

Table D-33 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-34 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The third

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 240 = 16 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 192 is the assorted of 16 that’s abutting to 200 but not bigger than 200. So, the third octet of

the subnet cardinal is 192.

Table D-33 Question 11: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 1111 1100 1000 0000 1010

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 1111 1100 1111 1111 1111

Table D-34 Question 13: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 31 200 10

Mask 255 255 240 0

Subnet cardinal 172 31 192 0

First accurate abode 172 31 192 1

Broadcast 172 31 207 255

Last accurate abode 172 31 207 254

IP Addressing Practice 25

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 192 + 16 – 1 = 207.

Question 12: Answer

Table D-36 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-37 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

Table D-35 Question 12: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 11 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in


Number of subnet $.25 5 32 – (network admeasurement +

host size)

Number of subnets 25 – 2 = 30 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 211 – 2 = 2046 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-36 Question 12: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 1111 1100 1000 0000 1010

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 1111 1100 1000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 1111 1100 1111 1111 1111

26 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The third

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 248 = 8 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet).

The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the magic

number that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case,

200 is the assorted of 8 that’s abutting to 200 but not bigger than 200. So, the third octet of the

subnet cardinal is 200.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 200 + 8 – 1 = 207.

Question 13: Answer

Table D-37 Question 12: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 31 200 10

Mask 255 255 248 0

Subnet cardinal 172 31 200 0

First valid


172 31 200 1

Broadcast 172 31 207 255

Last valid


172 31 207 254

Table D-38 Question 13: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 10 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 6 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 26 – 2 = 62 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 210 – 2 = 1022 2number-of-host-bits – 2

IP Addressing Practice 27

Table D-39 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-40 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The third

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 252 = 4 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet).

The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the magic

number that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case,

Table D-39 Question 13: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 1111 0011 0010 0011 0010

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 1111 0011 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 1111 0011 0011 1111 1111

Table D-40 Question 13: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 31 50 50

Mask 255 255 252 0

Subnet cardinal 172 31 48 0

First valid


172 31 48 1

Broadcast 172 31 51 255

Last valid


172 31 51 254

28 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

48 is the assorted of 4 that’s abutting to 50 but not bigger than 50. So, the third octet of the subnet

number is 48.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 48 + 4 – 1 = 51.

Question 14: Answer

Table D-42 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-41 Question 14: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 9 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 7 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 27 – 2 = 126 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 29 – 2 = 510 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-42 Question 14: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 1111 0011 0010 0011 0010

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 1111 0011 0010 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 1111 0011 0011 1111 1111

IP Addressing Practice 29

Table D-43 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The third octet

is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to account the magic

number, which is 256 – 254 = 2 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet). The subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the abracadabra cardinal that’s

not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 50 is the multiple

of 2 that’s abutting to 50 but not bigger than 50. So, the third octet of the subnet cardinal is 50.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 50 + 2 – 1 = 51.

Question 15: Answer

Table D-43 Question 14: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 31 50 50

Mask 255 255 254 0

Subnet cardinal 172 31 50 0

First valid


172 31 50 1

Broadcast 172 31 51 255

Last valid


172 31 51 254

Table D-44 Question 15: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 8 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 8 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 28 – 2 = 254 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 28 – 2 = 254 2number-of-host-bits – 2

30 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

Table D-45 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-46 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4.

This subnetting arrangement uses an accessible affectation because all of the octets are a 0 or a 255. No algebraic tricks

are bare at all!

Table D-45 Question 15: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 1111 1000 1100 0000 1110

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 1111 1000 1100 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 1111 1000 1100 1111 1111

Table D-46 Question 15: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 31 140 14

Mask 255 255 255 0

Subnet cardinal 172 31 140 0

First accurate abode 172 31 140 1

Broadcast 172 31 140 255

Last accurate abode 172 31 140 254

IP Addressing Practice 31

Question 16: Answer

Table D-48 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-49 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

Table D-47 Question 16: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 7 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 9 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 29 – 2 = 510 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 27 – 2 = 126 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-48 Question 16: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 1111 1000 1100 0000 1110

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 1111 1000 1100 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 1111 1000 1100 0111 1111

32 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The fourth

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 128 = 128 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 0 is the assorted of 128 that’s abutting to 14 but not bigger than 14. So, the fourth octet of the

subnet cardinal is 0.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 0 + 128 – 1 = 127.

Question 17: Answer

Table D-51 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

Table D-49 Question 16: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 31 140 14

Mask 255 255 255 128

Subnet cardinal 172 31 140 0

First accurate abode 172 31 140 1

Broadcast 172 31 140 127

Last accurate abode 172 31 140 126

Table D-50 Question 17: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 24 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 6 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in


Number of subnet $.25 2 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 22 – 2 = 2 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 26 – 2 = 62 2number-of-host-bits – 2

IP Addressing Practice 33

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-52 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The fourth

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 192 = 64 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 128 is the assorted of 64 that’s abutting to 150 but not bigger than 150. So, the fourth octet of

the subnet cardinal is 128.

Table D-51 Question 17: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1111 1001 0110

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1111 1000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1111 1011 1111

Table D-52 Question 17: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 192 168 15 150

Mask 255 255 255 192

Subnet cardinal 192 168 15 128

First accurate abode 192 168 15 129

Broadcast 192 168 15 191

Last accurate abode 192 168 15 190

34 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 128 + 64 – 1 = 191.

Question 18: Answer

Table D-54 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-55 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

Table D-53 Question 18: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 24 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 5 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 3 32 – (network admeasurement +

host size)

Number of subnets 23 – 2 = 6 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 25 – 2 = 30 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-54 Question 18: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1111 1001 0110

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1111 1000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1111 1001 1111

IP Addressing Practice 35

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The fourth

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 224 = 32 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 128 is the assorted of 32 that’s abutting to 150 but not bigger than 150. So, the fourth octet of

the subnet cardinal is 128.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 128 + 32 – 1 = 159.

Question 19: Answer

Table D-55 Question 18: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 192 168 15 150

Mask 255 255 255 224

Subnet cardinal 192 168 15 128

First valid


192 168 15 129

Broadcast 192 168 15 159

Last valid


192 168 15 158

Table D-56 Question 19: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 24 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 4 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 4 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 24 – 2 = 14 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 24 – 2 = 14 2number-of-host-bits – 2

36 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

Table D-57 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-58 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The fourth

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 240 = 16 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 96 is the assorted of 16 that’s abutting to 100 but not bigger than 100. So, the fourth octet of

the subnet cardinal is 96.

Table D-57 Question 19: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1100 0000 1010 1000 0110 0100 0110 0100

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0110 0100 0110 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0110 0100 0110 1111

Table D-58 Question 19: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 192 168 100 100

Mask 255 255 255 240

Subnet cardinal 192 168 100 96

First accurate abode 192 168 100 97

Broadcast 192 168 100 111

Last accurate abode 192 168 100 110

IP Addressing Practice 37

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 96 + 16 – 1 = 111.

Question 20: Answer

Table D-60 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-61 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

Table D-59 Question 20: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Archetype Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 24 Always authentic by Class A, B, C

Number of host $.25 3 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 5 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 25 – 2 = 30 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 23 – 2 = 6 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-60 Question 20: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1100 0000 1010 1000 0110 0100 0110 0100

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1000

AND result

(subnet number) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0110 0100 0110 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0110 0100 0110 0111

38 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The fourth

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 248 = 8 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet).

The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the magic

number that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case,

96 is the assorted of 8 that’s abutting to 100 but not bigger than 100. So, the fourth octet of the

subnet cardinal is 96.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 96 + 8 – 1 = 103.

Question 21: Answer

Table D-63 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Table D-61 Catechism 20: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 192 168 100 100

Mask 255 255 255 248

Subnet cardinal 192 168 100 96

First accurate abode 192 168 100 97

Broadcast 192 168 100 103

Last accurate abode 192 168 100 102

Table D-62 Catechism 21: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Example Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 24 Always authentic by Chic A, B, C

Number of host $.25 2 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 6 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 26 – 2 = 62 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 22 – 2 = 2 2number-of-host-bits – 2

IP Acclamation Convenance 39

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-64 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The fourth

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 252 = 4 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet).

The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the magic

number that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case,

228 is the assorted of 4 that’s abutting to 230 but not bigger than 230. So, the fourth octet of the

subnet cardinal is 228.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

Table D-63 Catechism 21: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1111 1110 0110

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100

AND result

(subnet number) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1111 1110 0100

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1111 1110 0111

Table D-64 Catechism 21: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 192 168 15 230

Mask 255 255 255 252

Subnet cardinal 192 168 15 228

First valid


192 168 15 229

Broadcast 192 168 15 231

Last valid


192 168 15 230

40 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 228 + 4 – 1 = 231.

Question 22: Answer

Table D-66 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Take a afterpiece attending at the subnet allotment of the subnet address, as is apparent in adventurous here: 0000 1010

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000. The subnet allotment of the abode is all bifold 0s, authoritative this

subnet a aught subnet.

Table D-65 Catechism 22: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Example Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 8 Always authentic by Chic A, B,


Number of host $.25 19 Always authentic as cardinal of

binary 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 5 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 25 – 2 = 30 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 219 – 2 = 524,286 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-66 Catechism 22: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 0000 0001 0000 0001 0000 0001

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 0000 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 0000 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111

IP Acclamation Convenance 41

Table D-67 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The second

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to account the

magic number, which is 256 – 248 = 8 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the absorbing octet). The

subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the abracadabra number

that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 0 is the

multiple of 8 that’s abutting to 1 but not bigger than 1. So, the additional octet of the subnet cardinal is 0.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 0 + 8 – 1 = 7.

Question 23: Answer

Table D-67 Catechism 22: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 10 1 1 1

Mask 255 248 0 0

Subnet cardinal 10 0 0 0

First accurate abode 10 0 0 1

Broadcast 10 7 255 255

Last accurate abode 10 7 255 254

Table D-68 Catechism 23: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Example Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by Chic A, B,


Number of host $.25 12 Always authentic as cardinal of

binary 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 4 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 24 – 2 = 14 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 212 – 2 = 4094 2number-of-host-bits – 2

42 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

Table D-69 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Take a afterpiece attending at the subnet allotment of the subnet address, as apparent in adventurous here: 1010 1100 0001

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000. The subnet allotment of the abode is all bifold 0s, authoritative this subnet a

zero subnet.

Table D-70 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

Table D-69 Catechism 23: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 0000 0000 0001 1100 1000

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111

Table D-70 Catechism 23: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 16 1 200

Mask 255 255 240 0

Subnet cardinal 172 16 0 0

First valid


172 16 0 1

Broadcast 172 16 15 255

Last valid


172 16 15 254

IP Acclamation Convenance 43

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The third

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 240 = 16 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 0 is the assorted of 16 that’s abutting to 1 but not bigger than 1. So, the third octet of the subnet

number is 0.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 0 + 16 – 1 = 15.

Question 24: Answer

Table D-72 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Table D-71 Catechism 24: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Example Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 16 Always authentic by Chic A, B, C

Number of host $.25 6 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in


Number of subnet $.25 10 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 210 – 2 = 1022 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 26 – 2 = 62 2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-72 Catechism 24: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 1010 1100 0001 0000 0000 0000 1100 1000

Mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 1010 1100 0001 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 1010 1100 0001 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111

44 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-73 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4. Remember, adding the absorbing (non-0 or 255) affectation amount from 256 yields

the abracadabra number. The abracadabra cardinal assorted that’s abutting to but not beyond than the IP address’s

interesting octet amount is the subnet amount in that octet.

This subnetting arrangement uses a adamantine affectation because one of the octets is not a 0 or a 255. The fourth

octet is “interesting” in this case. The key allotment of the ambush to get the appropriate answers is to calculate

the abracadabra number, which is 256 – 192 = 64 in this case (256 – mask’s amount in the interesting

octet). The subnet number’s amount in the absorbing octet (inside the box) is the assorted of the

magic cardinal that’s not bigger than the aboriginal IP address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this

case, 192 is the assorted of 64 that’s abutting to 200 but not bigger than 200. So, the fourth octet of

the subnet cardinal is 192.

The additional catchy allotment of this action calculates the subnet advertisement address. The abounding action is

described in Chapter 4, but the catchy allotment is, as usual, in the “interesting” octet. Take the subnet

number’s amount in the absorbing octet, add the abracadabra number, and decrease 1. That’s the broadcast

address’s amount in the absorbing octet. In this case, 192 + 64 – 1 = 255.

You can calmly balloon that the subnet allotment of this address, back application this mask, absolutely covers all

of the third octet as able-bodied as 2 $.25 of the fourth octet. For instance, the accurate subnet numbers in

order are listed here, starting with the aboriginal accurate subnet by alienated subnet–the zero

subnet in this case:

Table D-73 Catechism 24: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 172 16 0 200

Mask 255 255 255 192

Subnet cardinal 172 16 0 192

First accurate abode 172 16 0 193

Broadcast 172 16 0 255

Last accurate abode 172 16 0 254

IP Acclamation Convenance 45

And so on.

Question 25: Answer

Congratulations, you fabricated it through all the added subnetting practice! Here’s an accessible one to

complete your review—one with no subnetting at all!

Table D-75 shows the bifold calculations of the subnet cardinal and advertisement address. To

calculate the subnet number, accomplish a Boolean AND of the abode with the subnet mask. To find

the advertisement abode for this subnet, change all the host $.25 to bifold 1s in the subnet number.

The host $.25 are in adventurous book in the table.

Table D-74 Catechism 25: Admeasurement of Network, Subnet, Host, Cardinal of Subnets, Cardinal of Hosts

Step Example Rules to Remember

Address N/A

Mask N/A

Number of arrangement $.25 8 Always authentic by Chic A, B, C

Number of host $.25 24 Always authentic as cardinal of bifold 0s in mask

Number of subnet $.25 0 32 – (network admeasurement + host size)

Number of subnets 0 2number-of-subnet-bits – 2

Number of hosts 224 – 2 =


2number-of-host-bits – 2

Table D-75 Catechism 25: Bifold Calculation of Subnet and Advertisement Addresses

Address 0000 1010 0000 0001 0000 0001 0000 0001

Mask 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

AND result

(subnet number) 0000 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Change host to 1s

(broadcast address) 0000 1010 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111

46 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide

Just add 1 to the subnet cardinal to get the aboriginal accurate IP address; aloof decrease 1 from the broadcast

address to get the aftermost accurate IP address. In this case: through

Table D-76 lists the way to get the aforementioned answers application the subnet blueprint and abracadabra algebraic described

in Chapter 4.

Discovering All Subnets Back Application SLSM: 13 Questions

This area covers the additional chic of IP acclamation problems mentioned in the addition to

this appendix. The catechism is as follows:

Assuming SLSM, what are the subnets of this network?

For practice, acknowledgment that catechism for the afterward networks and masks:

1., affectation

2., affectation

3., affectation

4., affectation

5., affectation

6., affectation

7., affectation

8., affectation

9., affectation

10., affectation

11., affectation

Table D-76 Catechism 25: Subnet, Broadcast, Aboriginal and Aftermost Addresses Calculated Application Subnet Chart

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

Address 10 1 1 1

Mask 255 0 0 0

Network cardinal 10 0 0 0

First accurate abode 10 0 0 1

Broadcast 10 255 255 255

Last accurate abode 10 255 255 254