Building Blocks Tab

Building Blocks Tab
The ASDM uses the name “building blocks” for the reusable components that must be
implemented for your policy. The Building Blocks tab, shown in Figure 15-16, provides a
single location where you can configure, view, and modify the building blocks.
These building blocks include the following:
■ Hosts/Networks—You can use this option to add, modify, or remove hosts and
networks from specific interfaces.
■ Inspect Maps—You can use this option to create inspect maps for specific protocol
inspection engines. The inspect map can then be applied to a type of traffic through the
Service Policy Rules tab using Modular Policy Framework features.
■ TCP Maps—You can use this option to assign TCP connection settings for different
traffic flows using Modular Policy Framework features.
■ Time Ranges—You can use this option to assign a start and end time range to various
security features and policies.