NAT Types 212
Several types of NAT are available. The Security Appliance can be configured to accomplish any of the following
Dynamic NAT
Dynamic Port Abode Adaptation (PAT)
Static NAT
Static PAT
Dynamic NAT
Dynamic NAT translates a accumulation of absolute (private) addresses to accessible IP addresses fatigued from a basin of
registered (public) addresses that are routable on the destination network. Back a host initiates a affiliation to
a accurate destination, the Security Appliance translates the host antecedent abode to the agnate NAT rule
from the mapped pool. The adaptation is maintained and is accurate for the continuance of the affiliation and cleared
when the affair is terminated. If the aforementioned host initiates addition connection, there is no agreement it will
acquire the aforementioned abode from the mapped pool. Addresses from the basin are handed out on a first-come, firstserved
basis. Therefore, because the translated abode varies, the destination-side user cannot admit inbound
connections back activating NAT is used. Activating NAT and PAT are acclimated for unidirectional advice only.
Figure 6-10 shows how activating NAT works.