Logging Levels
Although the logging command has eight altered severity levels that are acclimated on
the PIX (Levels 0 through 7), logging Akin 0 (emergency) is not used. It is only
represented for affinity with UNIX syslogging.When you configure logging,
you charge specify a severity akin by a cardinal or keyword.When you specify
a level, the PIX firewall logs all contest according to the defined akin as able-bodied as the
levels beneath it. For example, the absence severity akin for the PIX is 3 (error),
which additionally logs Akin 2 (critical), Akin 1 (alert), and Akin 0 (emergency) events.A
complete account of the keywords and agnate levels is apparent in Table 6.1.
300 Chapter 6 • Configuring Arrangement Management
Table 6.1 Logging Levels and Messages
Keyword Akin Message
emergency 0 Arrangement unusable
alert 1 Immediate activity needed
critical 2 Analytical condition
error 3 Absurdity condition
warning 4 Warning condition
notification 5 Normal but cogent condition
informational 6 Advisory bulletin only
debugging 7 Only acclimated during debugging
A arrangement log bulletin that the syslog server will accept is structured like this:
%PIX–Level-message_number: Message_text
The syslog letters will be prefaced with a time and date brand and the
source IP address.This will be followed by the Level, which represents the logging
level of the message. For example, the bulletin atom %PIX-2-106016: shows us
that the logging akin for this bulletin is 2 (critical).The message_number is a
numeric cipher that is different for the blazon of message.This archetype of 106016 is
for the bulletin “Deny IP bluff from (IP_addr) to IP_addr on interface int_name.”
When you configure the PIX to attenuate assertive messages, you will use the
numeric cipher to analyze which bulletin to disable.
Here are some sample letters at the assorted logging levels:
Akin 1
%PIX-1-101002: (Primary) Bad abort over cable.
%PIX-1-101003: (Primary) Abort over cable not affiliated (this unit)
Akin 2
%PIX-2-106016: Deny IP bluff from (IP_addr) to IP_addr on interface
%PIX-2-106017: Deny IP due to Land Attack from IP_addr to IP_addr.
Akin 3
%PIX-3-201005: FTP abstracts affiliation bootless for IP_addr
%PIX-3-201008: The PIX is abrogating new connections.
Configuring Arrangement Management • Chapter 6 301
Akin 4
%PIX-4-403110: PPP basic interface int_name, user: user missing
MPPE key from aaa server.
%PIX-4-404101: ISAKMP: Bootless to admeasure abode for applicant from
pool pool_id
Akin 5
%PIX-5-500001: ActiveX agreeable adapted src IP_addr dest IP_addr on
interface int_name.
%PIX-5-500002: Java agreeable adapted src IP_addr dest IP_addr on
interface int_name.
Akin 6
%PIX-6-109005: Authentication succeeded for user 'user' from
laddr/lport to faddr/fport on interface int_name.
%PIX-6-109006: Authentication bootless for user 'user' from
laddr/lport to faddr/fport on interface int_name.
Akin 7
%PIX-7-702301: lifetime expiring
%PIX-7-702303: sa_request
The Cisco PIX firewall has the adeptness to log URL and FTP requests. URL
logging catches the URL’s IP abode and the names of any accessed files. FTP
logging shows the IP abode that is actuality accessed, the accomplishments performed (file
retrieved or stored), and the names of the files that were transferred.To enable
URL logging, accredit fixup for HTTP, set the logging akin to 5 (notification),
and attending for the bulletin blazon 304001. For example:
%PIX-5-304001: Accessed URL
To accredit FTP logging, accredit fixup for FTP, set the logging akin to 6
(informational), and attending for bulletin blazon of 303002. For example:
%PIX-6-303002: Retrieved
%PIX-6-303002: Stored