Enabling IKE

Enabling IKE

Configuration of IKE behavior starts with enabling IKE processing on the outside

interface of the firewall (or any added interface that is affiliated to the remote

peer).This charge be done on anniversary associate application the afterward command:

isakmp accredit

In our example, this command needs to be on the alfresco interface of each


PIX1(config)# isakmp accredit outside

PIX2(config)# isakmp accredit outside

IKE is enabled on all interfaces by default. It can be angry off on a specific

interface (to anticipate DoS attacks on the interface) application the no anatomy of the


no isakmp accredit

By default, the PIX firewall uses its IP addresses to analyze itself to its peers.

The PIX can analyze itself (and its peers) by either an IP abode or a hostname.

When aeon are to be accurate by RSA signatures, it is recommended that

the hostname be used. (The alien associate charge either be ascertain on the firewall

using the name command, or it charge be resolvable through DNS.) On the other

hand, if you requested agenda certificates that accommodate IP addresses, you should

stick with the absence of application the IP abode for the character method.To change

the character method, use the afterward command, but be abiding to use the same

method on both firewalls:

isakmp character {address | hostname}

If the character adjustment does not match, the aeon will not be able to negotiate

an IKE SA and appropriately no IPsec SA will be established.