Configuring Downloadable Admission Lists
If you charge to admission users or groups of users altered privileges with account to
services (FTP or HTTP) and hosts that they can admission through the firewall, the
PIX firewall provides the adeptness to ascertain per-user admission lists back acclimated with an
AAA server. Unlike beforehand versions of the PIX firewall, adaptation 6.2 does not
require you to accomplish any agreement on the PIX firewall itself to implement
this adequacy (assuming that RADIUS affidavit and allotment are
already configured).You charge alone to ascertain the adapted access-list aural the
user contour on the Cisco Secure ACS server, and the admission account is downloaded to
the PIX firewall during user authentication.This simplifies the agreement and
improves scalability.There are two options for implementing per-user admission lists
on the Cisco Secure ACS server:
Called downloadable admission lists The PIX firewall downloads a
named admission account already and can reclaim it if you accept assigned it to other
users.You should use called admission lists if you accept assorted users that
share an admission account or if you accept a ample admission account that is assigned to
more than one user.
Bearding downloadable admission lists The PIX firewall downloads an
unnamed admission account for anniversary user to which you assigned one.These
access lists are not aggregate and are downloaded anniversary time a user is
authenticated.You should use an bearding admission account if a altered access
list is authentic for every user.
Downloadable ACLs are accurate alone with RADIUS, not TACACS+.