The appearance perfmon Command

The appearance perfmon Command

One acutely advantageous command for achievement ecology on the PIX firewall

is the appearance perfmon command. It shows capacity a cardinal of statistics, including

translations, connections, fixup, and AAA.This is the alone command that you can

use to appearance the “average” ethics for the cardinal of translations and connections

on the firewall.The nice affair about this command is that it break the connections

down by protocol, as apparent in the achievement in Figure 10.26.This breakdown

can advice you actuate if a accurate affiliation is application up too abundant CPU or

memory.Table 10.6 lists the ethics in the appearance perfmon command.

Figure 10.26 Achievement of the appearance perfmon Command

PIX1# appearance perfmon

PERFMON STATS: Current Average

Xlates 0/s 0/s

Connections 0/s 0/s

TCP Conns 0/s 0/s

UDP Conns 0/s 0/s

URL Access 0/s 0/s

URL Server Req 0/s 0/s

TCP Fixup 0/s 0/s

TCPIntercept 0/s 0/s

HTTP Fixup 0/s 0/s

FTP Fixup 0/s 0/s

AAA Authen 0/s 0/s

AAA Author 0/s 0/s

AAA Account 0/s 0/s

Table 10.6 Ethics in the appearance perfmon Command

Parameter Description

Xlates Translations congenital up per second.

Connections Access accustomed per second.

TCP Conns TCP access per second.

UDP Conns UDP access per second.


Troubleshooting and Achievement Ecology • Chapter 10 609

Parameter Description

URL Access URLs (Web sites) accessed per second.

URL Server Req Requests beatific to Websense/N2H2 per additional (requires the

filter command).

TCP Fixup Cardinal of TCP packets that the PIX forwarded per second.

TCP Intercept Cardinal of SYN packets per additional that accept exceeded the

configured beginning limit.

HTTP Fixup Cardinal of packets destined to anchorage 80 per additional (requires

the fixup agreement http command).

FTP Fixup FTP commands inspected per second.

AAA Authen Authentication requests per second.

AAA Author Authorization requests per second.

AAA Account Accounting requests per second.

As with any measurement, if you do not accept a baseline, this blazon of information

is useless. Execute the command on a approved base over time to body a baseline.

You can again analyze ethics to this baseline to acquisition anomalies.