WebVPN Portal Interface

WebVPN Portal Interface
WebVPN uses a front-end portal interface to authenticate and give access to end users. To
access the WebVPN portal, an end user will first authenticate using the authentication,
authorization, and authorization (AAA) method configured on the ASA that has the
WebVPN enabled. The end user will connect to a domain name or IP address, such as, which represents the interface that WebVPN in enabled on using https://.
Port 80 access to WebVPN is not allowed. The end user will be greeted with an
authentication screen, as shown in Figure 13-7.
The portal interface uses SSL/TLS encryption during access and runs on a local https server.
Through the portal interface, the end user gains access to authorized parts of the internal
network and accesses e-mail and file servers via click-through links. The https server that
controls the portal interface shown in Figure 13-8 resides on the ASA 55x0 Security
Appliance and is fully customizable by the security administrator.