Network Access Restrictions

Network Access Restrictions—Defines per-user network access restrictions.
Configuring AAA on the Cisco Security Appliance 559
■ Max Sessions—Contains three radio buttons that define the maximum number of
concurrent sessions the user can have:
— Unlimited—The user can maintain an unlimited number of concurrent
sessions through the firewall.
— Fill in the Box—Defines the maximum number of concurrent sessions.
— Use Group Settings—The default setting. The maximum number is defined
at the group level.
■ Account Disable—Configures the parameters for disabling a user account based on the
date or a number of failed logon attempts. Do not confuse this option with the Account
Disabled option at the top of the User Setup window:
— Never—The default setting. It allows the user unlimited attempts to log on.
— Disable Account If:
Date Exceeds—Select the date from the drop-down boxes. The
default setting is 30 days after the account is created.
Failed Attempts Exceed—Add the number of allowed failed
attempts to the box.
An indicator shows the number of failed attempts since the last
successful logon.
There is a check box for you to reset the failed attempts count.
If this box is checked, the reset will occur when you click the
Submit button.