Configuring and Installing a VG200 with MGCP
The following is the step-by-step procedure to configure a VG200 with MGCP
as its gateway protocol.
1. First, configure an IP address on the VG200’s Ethernet interface and
enable the interface:
76 Chapter 3 • AVVID Gateway Selection
router(config)#interface fastethernet 0/0
router(config-if)#ip address
router(config-if)#no shut
2. Next, assign a unique name to the VG200 so the CallManager server can
identify it:
router(config)#hostname DNVRVG200a
This is how CallManager keeps track of the MGCP network devices
it is communicating with.This name must be unique.
3. Configure the VG200 to run MGCP as a signaling protocol.
4. Configure the IP address (or DNS Name) for the CallManager server:
VG200(config)#mgcp call-agent
5. Select the CODEC type and the DTMF relay function:
DNVRVG200A(config)#mgcp dtmf-relay codec all mode out-of-band
6. To enable support for Cisco CallManager within MGCP, enter the
following command:
DNVRVG200A(config)#ccm-manager mgcp
Use the command show voice port to determine the type of ports the
VG200 has and which order they are installed in.
7. Bind the MGCP application to the voice ports.
FXO Port:
DNVRVG200A(config)#dial-peer voice 1 pots
DNVRVG200A(config)#application MGCPAPP
DNVRVG200A(config)#port 1/0/0
FXO Port:
DNVRVG200A(config)#dial-peer voice 2 pots
AVVID Gateway Selection • Chapter 3 77
DNVRVG200A(config)#application MGCPAPP
DNVRVG200A(config)#port 1/0/1
FXS Port:
DNVRVG200A(config)#dial-peer voice 3 pots
DNVRVG200A(config)#application MGCPAPP
DNVRVG200A(config)#port 1/1/0
FXS Port:
DNVRVG200A(config)#dial-peer voice 4 pots
DNVRVG200A(config)#application MGCPAPP
DNVRVG200A(config)#port 1/1/1
In some Cisco IOS versions, the application MGCPAPP command is casesensitive.
As a precaution, always enter this command in uppercase.
Make certain the voice ports are enabled as well. Executing the command
no shut enables both ports on a VIC.
FXO Port:
DNVRVG200A(config)#voice-port 1/0/0
DNVRVG200A(config-voiceport)#no shut
FXS Port:
DNVRVG200A(config)#voice-port 1/1/0
DNVRVG200A(config-voiceport)#no shut
Under Dial Peers:
Under Voice Ports:
connection { plar | tie line | trunk }