Checking the Security Appliance

Checking the Security Appliance
The most effective command for troubleshooting the Security Appliance is show. The show
command is run in configuration mode and can be used to show the configuration for all the
AAA components on the Security Appliance. The following is a list of the show commands
pertaining to the AAA configuration:
■ show aaa-server—Shows you the different group-tags, which protocol is used for each
group-tag, and the ip-address, key, and timeout for each AAA server.
■ show aaa—Provides you with the output of the following commands:
— show aaa authentication—Shows you all AAA authentication rules
— show aaa authorization—Shows you all AAA authorization rules
— show aaa accounting—Shows you all AAA accounting rules
— show timeout—Shows the maximum idle time for a session
— show timeout uauth—Shows the duration in hours, minutes, and seconds
before the authentication and authorization cache times out
— show auth prompt—Shows the prompt, accept, and reject text messages
when a user attempts to authenticate via a Telnet session
— Show uauth—Shows the number of authenticated users and the number of
authentications in progress