VoIP Dial Peers
You charge actualize a agenda articulation anchorage on the T1 or ambassador to be able to configure voice
port parameters. You charge additionally accredit time slots and signaling to the analytic articulation port
through configuration. The aboriginal footfall is to actualize the T1 or E1 agenda articulation anchorage with the
ds0-group ds0-group-no timeslots timeslot-list blazon signal-type command.
Note The ds0-group command automatically creates a analytic articulation anchorage that is numbered
as slot/port:ds0-group-no.
The ds0-group-no altercation identifies the DS0 accumulation (number from 0 to 23 for T1 and
from 0 to 30 for E1). This accumulation cardinal is acclimated as allotment of the analytic articulation anchorage numbering
The timeslots command allows the user to specify which time slots are allotment of the DS0
group. The timeslot-list altercation is a distinct time aperture number, a distinct ambit of numbers,
or assorted ranges of numbers afar by commas.
The blazon command defines the emulated analog signaling adjustment the router uses to connect
to the PBX or PSTN. The blazon depends on whether the interface is T1 or E1.
To annul a DS0 group, you charge aboriginal shut bottomward the analytic articulation port. When the anchorage is
in abeyance state, you can abolish the DS0 accumulation from the T1 or E1 ambassador with the
no ds0-group ds0-group-no command.
Figure 4-13 and shows how a ds0-group command gathers some of the DS0 time slots
from a T1 band into a accumulation that becomes a distinct analytic articulation port, which can after be
addressed as a distinct article in articulation anchorage configurations. Other DS0 groups for articulation can
be created from the actual time slots apparent in Figure 4-13, or the time slots can be
used for abstracts or consecutive pass-through.
Chapter 4: Performing Call Signaling over Agenda Articulation Ports 213
Router(config)# ambassador t1 1/0
Router(config-controller)# framing esf
Router(config-controller)# alarm antecedent line
Router(config-controller)# linecode b8zs
Router(config-controller)# ds0-group 1 timeslots 1-12 type
Network Module
Slot 1 Articulation WAN
Interface Card Aperture 0
Creates DS0 group, or
logical articulation port,
1/0:1 by alignment 12
timeslots together.
Configures T1
Controller 1/0
Figure 4-13 T1 Articulation Configuration