Understanding the Component Parts of CallManager
CallManager is broken down into several functional elements:
System controls These areas are used to configure, manage, and troubleshoot
CallManager as well as its underlying server tools.
Basic networking functions While not exactly CallManager functions,
CallManager runs on top of Windows 2000 Server with only the
most basic networking functions. CallManager requires DNS server services,
TCP/IP networking,Windows Networking, and nothing more. If
the server (a Compaq in this case) requires special drivers or services,
then these are in service.
Device controls These functions are used to create, control, manage,
and organize the IP phones into logical groups and call routing.Among
these controls are call regions, device pools, and location controls for
determining the type of call digitization and compression.
Gatekeeper and gateway controls Used to define and control the
acceptance and routing of calls.
User management Creates, manages, and controls users in CallManager.
Within CallManager, all functions can be lumped under these five major areas
in one way or the other.To the extent that you can draw a parallel to the standard
356 Chapter 10 • Designing and Implementing Single Site Solutions
PBX system, Figure 10.9 shows how traditional telephony systems work for small
sites and provide much the same controls as the traditional PBX system.