Performing Basic Configuration Tasks
The first thing you’ll need to do is log into CallManager, either locally or
remotely via your Web browser.You can access it by typing in http://localhost/
ccmadmin in your Web browser, or by replacing the localhost designator with
the IP address of the CCM. Changing the administrator’s password is the first
action you should take, ensuring at least some level of security for the server.
For CCM to route calls, it must now know where the gateway is that will
handle both call completion and CODEC actions. In the “Devices” section, you’ll
need to define a new gateway for CCM to use.When you do, use the host name of
the gateway, not the IP address.When the gateway is added, CCM will attempt to
contact the gateway and initiate an MGCP session to validate the connection.The
primary means of validating the session is to check that the CCM and the gateway
both belong to the same MGCP domain, which is one measure of security for
CCM (see Figure 10.10).The MGCP domain is defined by the host name of the
gateway, and must be the exact same name in CCM (it’s case-sensitive).
If the MGCP domain name is wrong in CCM, or if someone changes the
host name of the gateway without changing the gateway’s name in
CCM, CCM will not be able to establish an MGCP session with the
gateway in order to complete any call. Furthermore, there are no error
messages in CCM to indicate that this misconfiguration has occurred.