Installing the Unity Messaging System
Unity is actually an add-on product to Exchange Server, yet it is installed on a
separate physical server.This ensures that using the existing directory services
causes Unity to retrieve current user account information to create the voice
mailboxes. Because this is a separate Exchange Server from the existing Exchange
Server, you’ll need to ensure that your licensing is up to date for all users.
Unity comes as a CD package, so you’ll need to ensure that Exchange Server
is installed on whatever server you purchase for Unity.The server should be
equivalent in capacity and power to a normal Exchange server. However, Unity
stores the voice messages as .WAV files, which can be quite large (over 1MB) for
a message several minutes in length.The actual installation process for Unity is
almost completely automated; you just have to answer a few simple questions.
The fun really comes when we get to the configuration section that follows.